In reading, as the story went on, it became my hope that it was truly a story. Sorry it wasn't. As a proud dog owner, it would be my worst nightmare to have something like that happen to anyone. It would be upsetting to happen even if a person were on private property or up to no good. To have it happen on a street, sidewalk or any public area is beyond horrific. I'd have been there eating humble pie with sincere apologies and a phone number to my insurance company. Just horrible.
It's probably not a great time for suggestions, especially one that shows kindness to the animal right now, but sometimes a dog can be sidetracked with dog biscuits or a piece of dog jerky and a kind word. In your case, it doesn't seem like that would have helped and unless you're there, it's hard to know whether it's best to yell a commanding, "NO, go home!" or say, "hi guy, you're a sweetie, want a treat?" LOL.
It would be real hard to get back on and ride now. The fear and pain must be awful. My heart goes out to you. If there's a place on your bike, or even if there isn't, you might be able to rig up a device to fit this clever little gizmo in a water belt worn on your waist, or some other device.
It's a loud siren that it's likely no one would sleep through. At least it might get you help a lot faster. That's just darn dangerous with one dog, much less two. It was a great story though. Just sorry it's true. My thoughts are with you.