by Terry 48 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Anon2

    In reading, as the story went on, it became my hope that it was truly a story. Sorry it wasn't. As a proud dog owner, it would be my worst nightmare to have something like that happen to anyone. It would be upsetting to happen even if a person were on private property or up to no good. To have it happen on a street, sidewalk or any public area is beyond horrific. I'd have been there eating humble pie with sincere apologies and a phone number to my insurance company. Just horrible.

    It's probably not a great time for suggestions, especially one that shows kindness to the animal right now, but sometimes a dog can be sidetracked with dog biscuits or a piece of dog jerky and a kind word. In your case, it doesn't seem like that would have helped and unless you're there, it's hard to know whether it's best to yell a commanding, "NO, go home!" or say, "hi guy, you're a sweetie, want a treat?" LOL.

    It would be real hard to get back on and ride now. The fear and pain must be awful. My heart goes out to you. If there's a place on your bike, or even if there isn't, you might be able to rig up a device to fit this clever little gizmo in a water belt worn on your waist, or some other device.http://www.walmart.com/ip/Attwood-8oz-Safety-Airhorn/16203677?action=product_interest&action_type=title&item_id=16203677&placement_id=irs-106-t1&strategy=PWVUB&visitor_id&category=&client_guid=beb70a75-4cc4-44ec-8c2c-210461fe231b&customer_id_enc&config_id=106&parent_item_id=17128598&parent_anchor_item_id=17128598&guid=7a9be95f-1ab6-4c24-b645-df532deade46&bucket_id=irsbucketdefault&beacon_version=1.0.1&findingMethod=p13n

    It's a loud siren that it's likely no one would sleep through. At least it might get you help a lot faster. That's just darn dangerous with one dog, much less two. It was a great story though. Just sorry it's true. My thoughts are with you.

  • Anon2

    Sail Away, don't know how I managed to overlook your post where you mentioned air horns. Wouldn't have posted my link if better attention had been paid. Sorry.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Finkelstein: "What's the point to the video VI ???"

    Just wanted to show a graphic video of a dog attack. Sorry if it's somewhat off topic.

  • Fisherman
    Village Idiot
    Nice post.

    Sad VI,
    Some people are clever to understand that a cop has a gun, club, and other devices, and if they torture or kill you, they will likely get away with it, nothing can bring you back once your dead, nothing will undo the torture, so they smart thing to do is to submit and don't be a wise guy.

    Unfortunately, many are not so smart, drunk, or judgment impaired with drugs. Need I say more ?
  • Finkelstein

    Blow horns might work but to have a more assured determent pepper spray would be more effective, that's why people in the postal service usually carry a canister with them when they're delivering door to door.

    These spray canisters fit in the palm of your hand and can be carried easily.

  • kaik

    Generally, pepper spray that is used for humans are not very effective against K9 dogs, who are trained and used to tear gas used by military and law enforcement. Therefore, Germany since 1950's produces pepper spray intended for dogs only. It is widely used in Europe, and if it can be purchased in USA. However, the point is to spray the dog and run, because it will disorient the beast for 30s to 90s. Standing there and expecting that dog will give up after spray, will not do anything good.

    Stabbing a dog is hard, he must be very close, and there is no guarantee he would not get even more aggressive. Shooting dog randomly just because he is running toward you is not easy and also bring you in conflict with law. If dog is already biting your calves, there is a good chance you will shoot your own leg than hitting a dog. You can ask any LE who will tell you how hard is to shoot dog on your leg.

    The best way avoiding this scenario is not get any strange animal close by. Not every animal is friendly and wants to be petted.

  • Fisherman
    Good ole mace. Sad it is not legal. Taser baton will shock a dog away. The cheap pepper sprays they sell on amazon cannot be trusted, propellant dies after a while and pepper is not that strong. I know that mustard spray is strong and not deadly ,but depends on the concentration; Spray it on a dog and it it will know.
  • Village Idiot
  • Fisherman
    if you shoot and kill a dog that belongs to someone, you could be sued if you shot at it without any physical evidence of being bitten.


  • Finkelstein

    Really Fisherman ?

    Lets assume that a cyclist was riding down the street and a dog came out off his owners property and starting barking and growling following the cyclist as they were riding along, the cyclist got frighten and decided to shoot the dog with a gun killing the animal .

    How do you think this would play out in court if the owner decided to sue the cyclist and there was no evidence of a bite ?

    The objective is to deter a attack, one never knows how the dog is going to act, I've been chased after while Jogging and cycling, if I had pulled out a gun and shot dead one these dogs, I think I would be in some legal trouble and possibly face a law suit by the owners.

    Terry's situation was one where the dog actually bit him. if he had a gun and shot it, he would be in a safe legal position ( justifiable cause) both from the law and the owner.

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