by Terry 48 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Splash

    The pack, herding and hunting instincts vary from dog to dog, as do their defensive and protection instincts.

    These things have been bred from wolves, so when an owner fails to train and raise them properly, they are potentially very dangerous.

    I agree with the pepper spray too since this can be done from 3 feet away, not putting your hand near it's mouth.

    Once you've sprayed it, kick it and run!

  • Terry


    Terrific responses and some very helpful hints. I enjoyed (if that's the right choice of words) the recounting of dog-related incidents. Apparently, this is a common problem faced over a wide spectrum of humanity and dog-dom.

    I'm going by the bike shop today and getting the high-octane pepper spray in a fast draw holster and laser scope :)

    I'm undeterred about bicycling, however. There are few things in this life at my age which I so thoroughly enjoy.

    On a lighter note, I told my story to an old guy in a white beard who had asked me about my teeth marks. When I finished I told him how much I enjoy bike-riding. I asked him what he enjoys most in the whole wide world.

    He scratched his bewhiskered chin and his face brightened.

    Enthusiastically he replied, "Taking a big shit first thing in the morning!"

    Well, I can't possibly top that!

  • poppers

    Glad you are OK, Terry; that was one scary encounter.

    I was hijacked by 2 dogs 5 years ago while going 20 mph on my bike. I had no time to react because they came at me when I got within just a few feet of their hiding place in some bushes near the road. One charged to the left of me and the other to the right, and it was that one that got beneath my front wheel and down I went. They circled and barked while I lay on the ground for 10 minutes, unable to move. Fortunately, all they wanted was to make some noise and have some fun, but if they wanted to bite there wasn't a thing I could have done about it.

    Finally, I was able to get up and seek assistance at the owner's house and make a phone call. He was blind and hard of hearing, so he was unaware of what was going on. My brother-in-law came and helped me get my bike back into riding condition, and despite a very sore right shoulder I continued on my 30 mile ride.

    A couple of weeks later I completed a 300 mile 5 day ride that I had planned for for nearly a year. I did the ride because I found that I had less shoulder pain while riding. This had happened in early July, but it wasn't until late September that I had found out I had fractured my collar bone.

    This past summer I had the same thing happen, except it was a single dog that charged me when I approached a hidden driveway. I had to stop suddenly and couldn't click out of my pedals, so down I went. I bruised a couple of ribs which took some weeks to heal, but I also strained some muscle tissue, and I'm still dealing with that. My biking season pretty much ended this year because of it, and I've had my other exercise regimen compromised.

    It wouldn't surprise me if the dogs that attacked you have attacked others. Where I live (Wisconsin) if there is a history of one biting incident and they do it again that dog will be put down.

  • Terry

    What a grisly tale!

    Horrifying to think these things are possible. But, they are--and worse.

    Sorry about your canine encounters.

    I'm 68, if I went down even once, I think I'd be out of commission from now on.

    A cracked rib never heals. I had a broken collar bone when I was 14, and that was a bicycle accident from hitting a patch of ice.

    If I had any wisdom, I could listen to these stories and take heed--viewing them as my last chance to escape being laid up for the rest of my senescence! But, the prospect of being an "indoor" guy disgust me. So--what the hell?

  • poppers

    I've got an indoor stationary bike for winter exercise, but it doesn't compare to road riding, although it's a lot safer (and I don't know how much longer I'll be able to walk away from a fall now that I'm 64).

    I love being outside and seeing the countryside slip by from my saddle. Sometimes I'll retrace a ride with my car and I'm always astonished that it seems to take longer in my car than on my bike, and I'll ask myself "Did I really ride this far?" So far my longest 1 day ride is 125 miles, and I'm certain I could go 150 if the conditions are right. Nothing seems to clear the mind and make you feel really alive like riding.

    Happy trails, and stay upright.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Terry: "I'm 68, if I went down even once, I think I'd be out of commission from now on."

    You can consider purchasing a three wheel recumbent. It's the only thing I can ride because of my poor sense of balance. I have two and I would choose them over any conventional two wheeler even if I did not have the balance problems. They are not like conventional "Granny" bikes but are very stable turning a corner. They weigh more than a conventional bike but the relaxed position of the rider makes it feel lighter in weight and easier to ride.

    They start at around $700.


  • Fisherman
    For trained K9 dog, even bear spray wont work, once he goes into attack mode.

    If someone decides to get bit by a "K9," better off the dog bite than hurt dog and cop's revenge. You risk shooting a dog close to your leg, but you can aim at a dog running towards you, and you can put the gun on the dog and shoot if he is tearing you up.

  • Finkelstein

    I think the pepper spray is still a better choice given that its easier to carry than a gun and if you shoot and kill a dog that belongs to someone, you could be sued if you shot at it without any physical evidence of being bitten.

    Not to mention its lot cheaper and easier to purchase.

  • Village Idiot
  • Finkelstein

    What's the point to the video VI ???

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