Do you still believe in God?
by FormerlySandL 162 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I stopped believing in God for the same reasons as you FSAL, because of the cruelty of the free will, proving Satan a liar argument. I tried to read 'Acts' take on that argument just now and found after five seconds my brain started to seize up. It's illogical nonsense twisting reality in knots to try and explain why the world can contain so much suffering and yet there's still a loving God. -
i read them too and they had the same sort of hollow unsatisfying sound as some of the arguments given at the kh. It's like swapping one brainwashed delusionment for another.
I never want to be part of religion or be brainwashed ever again.
I think I have removed the word belief entirely from my life. I try to go these days by what I have actually experienced.
It might be more useful and more accurate to ask people of they think they have actually experienced God as belief by itself is quite useless to anyone.
Island Man
"I can show you why God does not - and cannot - intervene in badness. Would that make a difference to you? If so, you have my PMs - just contact me."
Why not just share your idea publicly on the forum for all to see? Is it because you don't want your idea being scrutinized and proven to be false or without merit?
There is no justifiable excuse for an all-powerful God who is supposed to be the epitome of love to sit by and allow all manner of atrocities and sufferings to be committed without intervening. Any attempt to excuse such behavior is simply the epitome of shameless, heartless, sycophantic apologetics!
truth doubter
Click on "why do intelligent people believe in god" and scroll down to my post. What god does or allows does not prove or disprove his existance .
truth doubter
All the gods envisioned or imagined in human history, may never have existed but propagators certainly did and their creating their own self empowerment sourced from those expressed gods is an undeniable fact.
I think I have removed the word belief entirely from my life. I try to go these days by what I have actually experienced.
agree 100% I feel that word is abused and misused. "wanting to believe" is probably what should be used far more often. After being grilled by in family over and and over and over "what do you believe!" "what do you believe!!" "what do you believe!!!!!" I finally came to the conclusion that what you believe or want to believe (that can't be proven) is personal. So is any believe a say theistic person can't handle. I am not here to preach and change their belief, I will call BS "BS" if asked.
I sum up belief this way: "I believe what I can prove to be true" the end.
I do not believe in gods anymore but I do believe in mankind's inherent ignorance of the world in which we live in and from out that ignorance, supernatural agents were envisioned to offer plausible answers to those unknowns.
What god does or allows does not prove or disprove his existance .
No, but what god does or allows DOES prove whether he deserves our worship.
Even if I believed God existed, I wouldn't worship him.
Here's some food for thought: