Fisherman: Not hard to get df from JW: If you watch porn, or smoke; and if you miss a lot of meetings you get shunned. How much more they will do to someone who is a child molestors.
How much more? Absolutely nothing is how much more they can do.
Nothing. That is what will happen. Nothing at all.
In a JW person's mind, disfellowshipping is the ultimate punishment/control. However, it is meaningless. Disfellowshipping means nothing at all.
Disfellowshipping a JW pedophile does nothing to protect the larger community. It does nothing to protect the "worldly" child next door.
This whole notion that "disfellowshipping" is the be-all and end-all of JW justice is pathetic. Pathetic.
Albeit meetings and fs is not a daycare and parents should not trust anyone with their precious kids -and then blame watchtower.
Fisher, I almost agree with you here. The primary responsibility for the care of children is with the parents. Unfortunately, there is a double problem.
Firstly, JW parents are taught by the WT that the "brotherhood" is to be trusted over and above anyone else.
Secondly, never underestimate the ability of a predator to insinuate themselves into family situations in order to betray the parents' trust and to exploit the child. And this action has been encouraged by the WT itself - "look out for the children of single parents or the child who has an unbelieving parent", encouraging 'brothers' to spend time with children from these "disadvantaged" families.
That aside, how do you suggest family incest should be handled? Who is responsible there? And, according to the WT itself, most of the sex abuse inside the JWs occurs within the family circle.