THIS!!!!! ----> "... life passes so quickly as a JW: day in, day out, the same objective -- proving your worth to yourself and to others..."
This hit me, BOOM!! This sentence resonated with me so much!!! - it hit me like a ton of bricks!! THIS is the reason that f'n cult appealed to me (excuse language), and why I stayed in it so god awfully long!!!! (close to 30 years & I was not born in!)
I had been damaged by life, certain circumstances & situations that badly hurt a little girl's psyche -- and your sentence just leaped out at me -- it's like it has finally been explained to me what the heck I needed from that cult -- because that question has been on my mind a long time, and I just couldn't explain it in my head the exquisitely perfect way you just said it, with such simple clarity and focus of insight.
If you feel as though you have gained healing or comfort or clarity here too as well, from the dear PEOPLE here (not "these ones, those ones, such-like ones" -- the way the bOrg describes their members (drones)!, always just as a NUMBER!! - ha! And watch them change that because they friggin' read these boards!! - but I digress) -- please know that you have just amazingly helped heal and comfort me, Muddy -- Muddy Waters -- a lady now in her 50's with thankfully NO members of her family left in the Borg!)
This board, and another, has been instrumental in my journey out of an extremist group. This board is my therapist! :) and I hope the dear individuals here know how valuable you all are.