Minimus: I could easily see the earpiece idea as being true. Why not? We know the mans brain is fried, so what other play is there? TBH, I wonder if he slips up in a major way, like wanders off or mix up and perhaps just repeats the question.
The Trump/Biden Debate Is On Today
by minimus 69 Replies latest jw friends
The plot thickens:
Why would someone agree to have their ears inspected, then decline? What innocent explanation is there?
It would literally take like 5 seconds.
Old men yelling at clouds. It would sure be nice to elect someone that ha more than a 50 percent of surviving covid.
Maybe it’s the gen x in me or covid but I really don’t care.
Watch out for Biden’s use of numbers. He regularly misstates numbers.
I’ll be watching it for sure! 👍
Anony Mous
Biden just reversed his stance on electronic device aids, he now wants to use them. He also refused for a drug test and requested 2 breaks in a 90 minute session.
The potential leader of the world, can't stand straight for more than 30 minutes and still needs outside help and drugs.
Also, not unique, since the previous debates with Hillary Clinton had her getting the questions in advance and then she was still debating with an earpiece in.
Hillary - glad she's not president! That's for sure. But, based on my HS debate experience she did have a stronger performance than Trump most of the time. But, he didn't do as poorly as many seem to think. Just my two cents.
My prediction is that Trump will go easy on him and every once in a while humiliate him then back off. I don’t think he really disliked Biden .But I think Biden will look off against Trump.
I think Biden may lose his temper and say something weird or off the wall. Trump will just look at him like WTF dude! Or Trump will spill a glass of water on himself as he tries to drink with one hand.
I definitely think watching it on TV will be more fun than listening to it on radio