The second debate will be a town hall style event. It will be different for that reason at least.
The Trump/Biden Debate Is On Today
by minimus 69 Replies latest jw friends
This first debate has convinced me to not watch the second debate between these two.
I’m telling you - we need long format debates / discussions, without format, and without mainstream news personalities. We need a 4 hour podcast with Joe Rogan, with smoking. One debate of that, ratings off the chart, and it would clear up all things.
The moderator was awful and biased. Many of the questions were slanted and negative toward Trump and then had extra softball bits added when posed to Biden. He also came to Biden's defence on more than one occasion when Trump had him on the ropes and even rescued him by reminding him what the topic was about when he was clearly lost and going off in the wrong direction. ~ Simon
A friend sent this to me:
I normally don't watch porn without my wife but I think I just watched Chris Wallace suck Joe Biden's **** for 90 minutes.
Nothing to do with the debate, but Trump is in my town right now. I had no desire to fight the crowd to see the guy, but I did go to my secret spot by the runway and watched Air Force One come in. Of course it's dark out, but it was cool watching the plane taxi by all lit up. If you ever get a chance to see Air Force One, don't pass it up. I've also seen a couple of Presidential motorcades. Those are worth watching also.
Yes! Do it!
Joe Rogan would do a nice job at moderating, but any long form discussion with someone that is a moderate or an independent would be better than the format of these debates which are terrible to get any sense of how anybody thinks.
Michelle Obama says Trump purposely acted the way he did on the debate stage, kind of in a premeditated way. I agree with that. I think he wasn’t simply provoked . He knew what would be happening and went out on the offensive and did his thing.
Maybe he wanted to confuse him. It’s tough to coordinate your thoughts when you’ve got your debate opponent talking at your from one side and the people in your earpiece trying to feed you one-liners.
The Republicans need to change their attitude and FIGHT BACK DIRTY. At some point you have to take a stand and fight back or you will lose everything.
It couldn't have been said any better. Growing up my father taught me that there is nothing wrong with a fight. Walk away if you can, but if you cannot then you fight to WIN. Don't throw a punch AT something, throw the punch THROUGH something.
Gotta admit that the SNL debate was much more entertaining!