who won ?
The Trump/Biden Debate Is On Today
by minimus 69 Replies latest jw friends
who won ?
According to CNN, Biden won 98% to 2%
The rest of us will wait for reality to happen.
Here we go again. 😏
I heard that headlines are already printed saying Biden won!
Anony Mous
Biden will win if he can stand straight up for 90 minutes straight. This is going to be funny seeing a presidential candidate with adult diapers.
Have to take a shot every time Biden says “C’mon man!”
I watched. I thought that Biden did a lot better than what I predicted. I thought for sure Trump would roll all over Biden, but Biden did hold his own somewhat well.
I would consider this debate a draw. A few things that Biden did well was for example look at the camera a lot, speak directly to the public. Try to put some distance between him and the radical leftists.
Trump had great points, but he really needs to stop interrupting like this. It makes him look messy and unhinged.
Biden blew it with the Bernie Sanders crowd and those that love the squad. HE is the Democrat party so he says but He also says he has no responsibility or jurisdiction to talk to Democrat mayors and governors who allow their states to burn down. He is in a catch 22
yeah i agree that Biden left the radical leftists in the dust, because he backtracked on some things that his campaign has been flirting with.
Now what does this mean? Will the radical leftists still vote for him because that's as close as they can get? If they do, then Biden might have gained some centrists as well and it will serve him well. Or will the radicals be angry and him and not vote? In this case, this is a complete disaster for Biden.
When the radicals don’t get what they want they stay home