Hehe, anyone ask a Bible related question and behold the atheist storm from the Netherworld. We know not all ancient people believed in a literal Adam and Eve. The gnostics is one example. But it also has to do with whether the traditional literalist persuasion is true or not. Reading much prophecy becomes quite difficult if you insist on literal interpretations. Of course with the advent of scientific theories about man, it becomes even harder to argue for a literal talking snake and magical trees. I remember my first biblical inclination before even believing was that Genesis 1 is poetry. I sticked on to that ever since adding perhaps John Calvin's view that it is a simple tale for all, the simple minded included so they could get the message too 😉😁
Jesus Believed In Adam and Eve
by Parker 95 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
So if Genesis 1 is poetry (Only verse 27 is paralleism btw)
then chapter 2 and 3 and 4 are prose.
Chapter 5 links geneologies to Noah and Luke 3 agrees with them (Well except for one name)
While Jeus, as a Jew in the first Century, was likely a fondamantalist Creationist, mentioning a story to draw a point doesn't mean you believe that story to be historical or true.
For instance, if I say: It is the turtle that won the race, cause, unlike the rabit, she never stopped moving towards her objective. This doesn't mean I believe that this race actually ever occured. I just use a well known story to drive a point.
That' a very good point Steph.
The gospel writers whose works were later attributed to Matthew and Luke did seem to believe in a literal genealogy from Adam to Jesus.
The Watchtower have tied themselves to a literal creation account through their legalistic ransom doctrine. There is no way out for them that I can see.
Jesus believed in the flood. That was enough to convince me that Jesus was another BS story, or at least, of non-divinity.
Research the flood. There isn't any science to support it. -
That's a tough one because at the end of the day I would like to hope that I will be resurrected one way or another through Jesus our savior. Maybe God worked on prehistoric man prior and Adam and Eve were the finished product.
So do some believe that a perfect all powerful ,all knowing god started the evolutionary process and took hundreds of thousands of years till he got to a perfect couple and then they mess it all up ?
I can well imagine Adam and Eve represents mankind's experience with the effects of sin and loss. Most of us experience a fall in some sense. It is important to notice they were not perfect or knew what they got into with that serpent, knowing not good and evil. They had to experience it. A story has to start somewhere and in the Bible it starts with these archetypes representing man. Perhaps the preceding creation out of chaos represents some earlier civilisation and perhaps Adam and Eve also represents a community following that.
Hi! my name is Adrian and I am also new to the forum. I do not want to offend anyone or argue. Just trying to present the other side of the story. I am a Jehovah witness but not associated with WT. I do believe in the Bible and I believe that Adam and Eve were real and they were made by God through science, same as humans create today artificial life. Jesus existed before Adam and Eve took part at their creation.
As for the world creation JW never thaught that was done in six literal days. It was actually six days of 7000 years each. This was only for life creation.The age of earth and universe is not known. We are in the seventh day now which is made of 6000 years that have already past plus the judgement day mentioned in revelation which will last 1000 years. In this rest day God was inactive regarding earth and he delegated all responsibility to Jesus.
Most people struggle with the facts presented in the bible, but I do struggle with the big bang and what it was before that. How from nothing and chaos resulted life with its complexity and with the genetic code which I believe is pure science that comes from intelligent life.
There is no way we can understand how there has always been "something". Philosophers of science may try to cook up an explenation. The Bible certainly does not.