GodBeliever - I have read Russell's writings. How on earth can any rational person with the vantage point of 2020 still find his ramblings interesting never mind significant?
Jesus Believed In Adam and Eve
by Parker 95 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I haven't actually. I cannot say much about his writings. I do read mostly 30s and 40s.
Godbeliever you can believe whatever you want to believe, you can even preach false prophetic doctrines which are against the words and teaching of Jesus like the leaders of the WTS/JWS, who scripturaly identified themselves as apostate sinners, luring others into sharing of their sins.
But I would advise to stay away from this organization based upon that fact.
Nathan Natas
GodBeliever, you pick and choose whatever you want.
Why not add an idea or two from Herbert W. Armstrong or L. Ron Hubbard to your platypus theology?
...and if you "don't want to offend anyone," then you are the Cowardly Lion of Christianity. Boo!
I like to stick with the Bible.
but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;
Did he "believe" in them though? (if he even existed - this is a trick theists play to have you arguing about the wrong thing, and just "accept" another bold claim with zero evidence)
If I say "it's like the tortoise and the hare" does it mean I believe that a tortoise and a hare got together and had a running race? Or am I just referring to a story that people are familiar with?
Given how much symbolism and ambiguity there is in the Bible (whether originally intended by the writers or not), there is no reason that even true believers need to be pigeonholed into accepting fundamentalist/literalist dogma.
1) It's a parable and you have the honor of deciding what it means to you.
2) It's an allegory symbolizing groups of people long since forgotten to history.
3) It's literally true, but the commonly accepted chronology is wrong by orders of magnitude.
4) It's literally true, but happened in a parallel universe. Schrodinger's serpent, if you will.
There ya go, I just saved everybody's religion! All I ask for is 1% royalty on all your donations
Two myths do not equate to reality, as spoken hearsay doesn't equate to evidence.
always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you - Godbeliever
And yet you make no defense.
The "Old Testament " was a number of books written by Jews .The first century Christians and writers were mainly Jews.
So if anybody should have a better understanding about how Jews thought about those writings it should be the Jewish people and not Gentiles who bastardize the texts with their Christianity / Christology .