Mind Games and building alternate realities. Our brain is very susceptible to that. It s more like a maze. We need to figure a way out. Most people just follow others lead just because is more simpler. Some other choose their own way. Yes, free will its our greatest gift. Every person in this world, no matter what his role in life, is a searcher for truth.
Jesus Believed In Adam and Eve
by Parker 95 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
As Jehovah'sWitness I had all the freedom as anybody else and more. I interacted with all sort of people from different backgrounds, enjoyed life. I haven't been been under the influence of organised religion or any other stupid superstitions. It did not affect my education ( It's only the religious organisation which calls itself JW which puts all kind of unnecessary constraints on people). I only stayed away from any kind of idolatry.
Yes, you are free people! So don't use your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but live as God's servants.
Respect everyone. Show your love to the community of believers. Have reverence for GodI cannot make anyone believe that the Bible is true unless they agree . It s the only book where I can get all the anwers regarding our short existence. Most other books and philosophers only rise more questions regarding the matter. Making certain achievements,developing moral character or learning from relationships with other people are some answers but they are worthless for me if I don't connect with God. I see God as liberator not a vengeful, threatening and slavish God. What humans have achieved since they assumed leadership. We tend happilly to obey humans, accept their weaknesses and injustice but when it comes to God we become very critical.
So many demonstrably false assertions in one post.
The concept of objective evidence is an alien concept to many believers. Your mind is in a self-imposed prison GB.
I see God as liberator not a vengeful, threatening and slavish God
Is this the god who proscribed infanticide, rape and slavery?
We tend happilly to obey humans, accept their weaknesses and injustice but when
it comes to God we become very critical.
I am very critical of any being, be it human or god, who putatively has the power to end the suffering of others yet refuses to do so.
Yes I am in a a self-imposed prison.I accepted God's "tyranny" as a Superior Being and I am not going to challange that.
I suspect Cofty meant to say prescribed, not proscribed.
There is an irony here, however, in that Cofty would have been more accurate to say that God “proscribed“ these things. Because early Christians were distinctive in their values that opposed infanticide in particular, and rape, but also promoted values of dignity, and human worth, that ultimately led to opposition to slavery. In this they stood out from others in the ancient world, to the extent that it’s reasonable to ask whether the western world would have arrived at these values, to oppose infanticide, rape, and slavery, were it not for the influence of Christianity.
Tom Holland, among others, has promoted a re-evaluation of the influence Christianity on western civilisation that pays attention to the details of history. This results in a recognition that Christianity promoted an ethical departure in the ancient world, and an improvement on it. See his discussion with A C Grayling, “Did Christianity give us our human values?”
SBF - The god of the NT is also Yahweh of the OT who prescribed kidnap, rape, infanticide and slavery of the worse kind.
when it comes to God we become very critical.
GB: It appears that the creator (if there is one) gave us an open invitation to be critical, in that we have to use all our wits to pry the secret workings out of creation, that is after all all that we can go by to reflect back on the personality of an originator.
The bible and other earlier works because of their errors, are not factual accounts of what went into creation, given too, that the source of all, energy, can not be destroyed, or made, and is therefore uncreated.
Sticking with evolving science and having a healthy scepticism of inspiration claims should serve you well, after all, there is existence, consciousness. family.