I mentioned this on another thread,but it fits in with this current
train of thought so I`ll mention it again.
It was a fairly common practice here in Japan for doctors to tell
Witnesses that they wouldn`t use blood, but then, if it became necessary during surgery, to actually use blood without the patients
consent.It was more or less the hospital`s `don`t ask,don`t tell` type
of reasoning.You would have to understand the culture here to fully
appreciate this, but the physician is the expert in medical matters
and should have the final word about appropiate medical procedure.Thus
it flies in the face of reason for a JW, who knows virtually nothing
about medicine, to tell the doctor what he can and can`t do merely
because of some article in a religious magazine. Anyway,the facade of
no blood while actually using it on occasion when necessary work well
for both parties.The doctor had a free hand and the JW`s conscience
was at ease. Then in came BIG BROTHER. The org. decided to make a
statement by using an older sister who had had surgery and was given
blood without knowing it.Thus several years ago the org. took one of
the leading hospital`s in Japan to court for violating patient rights
(never mind the fact that they saved her life...).The org. lost in
district court but appealed to a higher court and won round two.The
fallout is that now hospitals merely refuse to admit JWs who have a
blood related condition. The real losers? Naturally it`s the individ-
ual witnesses who live or die by WT edict.More blood on the GB hands.
I`m reminded of Christ`s statement to the Pharises when they stood
around waiting to see whether or not he`d heal on the Sabbath.`Which
is the right thing to do on the Sabbath,to take life or give life?`
The Bible says he looked at them with anger.