Org. Re-orging in JAPAN

by JWD 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • hippikon

    Thanks for the updates. I always read them.


    "But it does move"

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Jwd,

    Thanks for the update informations.

    To Moxy : good link…what are they doing to get publicity?

    (. the toronto branch even put together this little and apparently little-known website: )

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • JWD

    Don`t know if I mentioned it but Ray Franz`s book ,`Crises of Conscience` came out in Japanese earlier this year. It`s selling
    slowly but steadily.Due to the nature of the content it took some
    time to complete the translation.It was particularily difficult to
    get the older WT publications in Japanese.The oldest ones I`ve seen
    are some of Rutherford`s books.It`s rumored that Russell`s Studies
    do exist in Japanese, but they would be as rare as hen`s teeth.So,
    some of the photo copies had to be put in in English together with
    a partial translation into Japanese.

    Steven Hassen`s, `Combatting Cult Mind Control` has sold over
    2 million copies in Japanese. One other book that made some waves is
    a book entitled , `Jehovah`s Witnesses and Mind Control`.It came out
    in 1994 and has sold nearly 20,000 copies.It`s caused quite a few
    waves.Talking to the author I found out that he had gotten a death
    threat from an apparent JW. He turned in a copy of it to the local
    police in the Tokyo area to be kept on file in case anything should
    happen to him or his family.

    The video, `Battling over the Children` dealing with JWs and child
    custody cases is in Japanese. The Japanese title is `Chisana Higaisha`
    which literally means `the little victims`.

    If anybody needs any publications,videos etc. in Japanese,let me know.I have access to most anything, both pro and con. JWD

  • JWD

    The KM for July reports 218,711 publishers for Japan. The numbers are
    for March which is Spring vacation here and should be a big month.
    But they are still well under the peak numbers of two years ago.
    There is also a bit about having pioneers report their hours so the
    elders can `help` anyone who`s short on their obligated amount of

    The number of baptisms for the month were 301. Few.

    Just thought you`d like to know.

  • JWD

    Just got ahold of some internal documents which show a re-districting
    of `circuts` throughout Japan. The number of districts is being
    DECREASED making each one larger. It`s undoubtedly an attempt to
    increase the numbers at conventions by drawing from a wider area.
    Thus making it seem like there has been an increase. There have also
    been a couple of changes in district overseers.

    There are rumblings of major unrest in the Kanagawa area. That is
    where the national headquarters (Japan Bethel) is. More of that as
    things develope.

  • mustang
    : A New Scientific Discovery About J.W.'s


    Please check this posting out. Mindchild has developed some research showing a motivational influence from physical properties of the universe on the religious effort, especially JW's. He posits that Japan is a 'heavy-hitter' area. Part of his research is undoubtedly done because of the fixation w/. statistics by the Dubs. (#'s are kept, tracked, worshipped and available.)

    Anyway, while there is likely something of a correlation here, I believe that this is a 'second order' effect, not dealing with the primary concerns of growth or decline of the JW's. Please see if
    you agree/disagree with his Japan thoughts.


  • JWD

    Thanks. I`ll check out that data. I have no doubt that some cultures
    have a `bent` to be more vulnerable to the JW bug and I`ve dealt
    with that issue a bit in a posting of mine called ,`Why Japanese
    Become JWs`. At the same time when Japanese develope an allergy to
    something, they tend to pull away from it very fast as well. I think
    that`s what`s happening here in Japan big time. I can`t imagine the
    WT ever growing significantly again here. I think they`ve reached
    saturation point and are now focusing on real estate, money and
    gaining some kind of legitimacy with the Japanese as a whole.

  • JWD

    Bringing this back to the top.

  • JWD

    The most recent rumor is that Bethel in NY is trying to gain some
    more control over the leadership here in Japan. It is even said
    that perhaps they will try to replace the head of the Bethel Japan.
    Only talk at this stage. If something happens, I`ll let you know.

  • mustang

    LOL, Duggan,

    I worked on a project w/ IBM which involved their Japanese division. The American liaison representative told me about enough about their (Japanese) practices to show that they are in charge on their soil. They can be downright nasty and don’t cross them!!!

    So, WTS has got a rogue division. I’m happy for them.

    I thought as much when they were advocating active community participation such as PTA involvement. I didn’t think that came from NY. So it is a home grown solution. Damn, the WTS has met up w/ someone who will think for themselves and has balls!!!


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