Rules, rules and more rules! Man made rules!
Beard's Coming to the Borg!
by DwainBowman 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Is this a desperate measure to get the young brothers to reach out because of the organization's need for "ministerial servants"?
I'm all for a nice, trimmed beard. Now, how about pants for the ladies? As much counsel gets dished-out over immodest dress you would think the Borg would allow for business-style pants. Oh, who am I kidding, it's a frickin cult. -
I don't see where this indicates a change of any type. In some countries brothers have been allowed to have beards, and not in others. More of the same, at least as I see it.
Looks like tight pants tony got to oversee a study article.
I don't see the change here though. End of that paragraph sums it up by saying beards offend certain morons and we don't want to stumble them. True preachers wouldn't have them.
Business as usual. Carry on brothers.
It's still BAU. This post on reddit shows that the local bodies are still making up their own rules.