Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!

by Beth Sarim 168 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • johnamos

    [Isaiah’s Prophesy 1 p. 253-254 par. 21-23 - Evidently, the 70 years represents the period of Babylonia’s greatest domination— …But at the end of 70 years, that domination will crumble.]

    [it-1 pp. 239-241 - Insight, Volume 1 - After ancient Babylon fell to Cyrus the Persian in 539 B.C.E., it lost its position as a dominant world power,]

    [it-1 pp. 701-703 - Insight, Volume 1- Babylon was reduced to this low state in 539 B.C.E., at her conquest by the Medes and Persians.]

    Again, how was 538 & 537 part of Babylon's greatest domination period if it was reduced to a low state and lost its position as a dominant world power 539?

  • scholar




    The majority opinion is 586?


    How was Babylon dominating in 538 & 537 if it fell in 539?


    Simple, because Babylonish domination over Judah only lasted until the Jews were released from servitude to Babylon under the new King of Babylon, King Cyrus in 537 BCE


    When did the 70 years for Tyre begin/end?


    The history of Tyre in respects to this matter in unknown but it most likely occurred during the period from 607/606 BCE to 537/536 BCE.

    scholar JW

  • johnamos
    Simple, because Babylonish domination over Judah only lasted until the Jews were released from servitude to Babylon under the new King of Babylon, King Cyrus in 537 BCE

    If the Babylon’s domination over Judah ended in 537 when did it begin?

    Did it begin in Jehoiakim’s time?

    Did it begin in Jehoiachin’s time?

    Did it begin in Zedekiah’s time?

    [2 Kings 24:1 In Je·hoiʹa·kim’s days King Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar+ of Babylon came against him, and Je·hoiʹa·kim became his servant for three years. However, he turned against him and rebelled. 2 Then Jehovah began to send against him marauder bands of Chal·deʹans,+ Syrians, Moʹab·ites, and Amʹmon·ites. He kept sending them against Judah to destroy it, according to Jehovah’s word+ that he had spoken through his servants the prophets…

    King Je·hoiʹa·chin of Judah went out to the king of Babylon,+ along with his mother, his servants, his princes, and his court officials;+ and the king of Babylon took him captive in the eighth year of his reign.+ 13 Then he took out from there all the treasures of the house of Jehovah and the treasures of the king’s house.*+He cut into pieces all the gold utensils that Solʹo·mon the king of Israel had made in the temple of Jehovah.+ This happened just as Jehovah had foretold. 14 He took into exile all Jerusalem, all the princes,+ all the mighty warriors, and every craftsman and metalworker*+—he took 10,000 into exile. No one was left behind except the poorest people of the land.+ 15 Thus he took Je·hoiʹa·chin+ into exile to Babylon;+ he also led away the king’s mother, the king’s wives, his court officials, and the foremost men of the land, taking them into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon. 16 The king of Babylon also took into exile to Babylon all the warriors, 7,000, as well as 1,000 craftsmen and metalworkers,* all of them mighty men and trained for war….

    17 The king of Babylon made Mat·ta·niʹah, Je·hoiʹa·chin’s uncle,+ king in his place and changed his name to Zed·e·kiʹah.+ 18 Zed·e·kiʹah was 21 years old when he became king, and he reigned for 11 years in Jerusalem.]


    Also the following from the WTS makes clear that the 70 years of the Babylonia’s greatest domination ended in 539 when it fell.

    [Isaiah’s Prophesy 1 p. 253-254 par. 21-23 - Evidently, the 70 years represents the period of Babylonia’s greatest domination​— …But at the end of 70 years, that domination will crumble.]

    [w65 1/1 p. 30 - Thus the stage was set. For, after Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon had a brief and tempestuous history of rulership that extended only as far as the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar, falling to Medo-Persia in 539 B.C.E. So, although Babylon felt highly exalted over the downfall of Judah, with much rejoicing, yet this rejoicing turned out to be very short-lived, for the One who sets the times and seasons and who “is doing according to his own will among the army of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth” had decreed a cutting off of Babylon’s domination.Dan. 4:35.]

  • scholar


    if you are looking at the perspective of the 70 years then that could only have applied in Zedekiah's time ending his reign in 607 BCE.

    If you discount the 70 years then Babylonish domination would have begun according to Dan 1:1 in the third year of his kingship during the reign of Jehoiakim when his vassalage to Neb would have commenced in 617 BCE.

    Nice and easy

    scholar JW

  • Finkelstein

    Interesting that the WTS takes only certain writings in the bible (Daniel's vision 70 years) to support their claim of 607 BCE but reject or dismiss all other pertaining scriptures .

  • scholar


    Interesting that the WTS takes only certain writings in the bible (Daniel's vision 70 years) to support their claim of 607 BCE but reject or dismiss all other pertaining scriptures


    What a stupid statement to make for one only has to read WT publications in relation to the 70 years to see that we refer To Chronicles, Daniel. Jeremiah and Zechariah all these texts support fully our interpretation of the 70 years as a period of servitude-exile and desolation.

    scholar JW

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    What a stupid statement to make for one only has to read WT publications

    People are stupid and foolish to only read the WTS publications for they were corruptly devised and tainted with false teachings and prophecies.

    These men were at heart charlatans who were endeavored to create doctrines to attract attention to the literature they published, which also made them scripturaly sinning apostates like yourself Scholar.

    We can only witness to you the truth of these sins , accepting them is wholly upon you.

    You seemed to have skip over and be dismissive to the actual date/year of final destruction of Jerusalem which the WTS says it was 607 BCE. ???

    Is it because your starting to see the truth complied upon all the pertaining evidence ?

  • scholar


    You seemed to have skip over and be dismissive to the actual date/year of final destruction of Jerusalem which the WTS says it was 607 BCE. ???


    No that is your problem for you do not exactly or precisely what year Jerusalem whether it was 586 or 587 BCE whereas WT has identified the exact year as 607 BCE and that is the very stark difference.

    scholar JW

  • Finkelstein

    Was it 586 BE the date preferred by scholars or was it 587 BCE the date preferred by Carl Olaf Jonsson?

    Irregardless the information from both secular (Archaeology) and the bible, weighs heavily in favor of either year, certainly not 607 BCE .

    Of course one has to insert themselves with intellectually honesty to draw that comprising conclusion.

    We can conclude though that Nebuchadnezzar's beginning annexation over Judea was around 605 BCE

  • johnamos
    whereas WT has identified the exact year as 607 BCE

    [Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1 p. 1268 - Jehoiakim’s bad rule of about 11 years (628-618 B.C.E.) was marked by injustices, oppression, and murder.]

    The WTS says Jehoiakim ruled 628 –618, that being the case then his 4th year would be 624 and would also be Neb’s 1st year making his 18th year 606.

    [it-2 pp. 480-482 - Nebuchadnezzar ruled as king for 43 years (624-582 B.C.E.), this period including the “seven times” during which he ate vegetation like a bull.]

    [Jeremiah 25:1 The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the people of Judah in (624) the fourth year of Je·hoiʹa·kim+ son of Jo·siʹah, the king of Judah, which (624) was the first year of King Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar of Babylon.]

    [Jeremiah 52:29 In the 18th year of Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar,*+ 832 people* were taken from Jerusalem.]

    624 – 18 = 606

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