It's nice to see you are as enthusiastic as ever Scholar JW. I know you don't get to express your opinions on doctrinal matters as freely as you would like over on JW talk. I can't help but feel you must be a little disheartened with the level of scholarly insight provided by the current Governing Body.
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim 168 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mr. Finkelstein
I have to admit Scholar you have courage, determination and spunk to come to this forum and fight for the JWS doctrines
Thank you for your kind words. Scholar is here to help and to act as an Apologist.
scholar JW
It's nice to see you are as enthusiastic as ever Scholar JW. I know you don't get to express your opinions on doctrinal matters as freely as you would like over on JW talk. I can't help but feel you must be a little disheartened with the level of scholarly insight provided by the current Governing Body.
Yes. Times have changed so one must move with such change and this can be both difficult and challenging. One such recent adjustment was the recent development with my friend Rolf Furuli who had sent me a personal copy of his book on our beloved Religion and the governing body which was a most interesting read. Further, here in Australia we are in the news with CSA in relation to the Redress scheme so we live in very interesting times alongside the current pandemic.
scholar JW emeritus
scholar JW emeritus
Yes. Times have changed so one must move with such change and this can be both difficult and challenging. One such recent adjustment was the recent development with my friend Rolf Furuli who had sent me a personal copy of his book on our beloved Religion and the governing body which was a most interesting read. Further, here in Australia we are in the news with CSA in relation to the Redress scheme so we live in very interesting times alongside the current pandemic.
My heart goes out to brothers such as yourself and Rolf Furuli. You guys have both the ability and most importantly the courage to defend your beliefs, especially in hostile arenas. I think the Australian Royal Commission revealed the current GB are lacking in both for some reason. Maybe this is leading to frustration and as a consequence cruelty in how they are dealing with many difficult situations. I really hope Rolf has a good support network to help him through what must be a very difficult time. I fear they will do everything to tarnish his good name.
It is often said that courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.
Whatever else people may accuse brothers like yourself or Rolf of, they can’t accuse you of lacking in courage.
I thank you for your kind comments and I am sure Rolf would appreciate this. Sadly, it appears that with the departure of Rolf from the scene it would that scholar out of the entire world wide Witness population remains alone in the advocacy of 607 BCE and other related matters.
scholar JW emeritus
I thank you for your kind comments and I am sure Rolf would appreciate this. Sadly, it appears that with the departure of Rolf from the scene it would that scholar out of the entire world wide Witness population remains alone in the advocacy of 607 BCE and other related matters.
scholar JW emeritus
I'm not sure they have given up on defending it. But the GB certainly don't refer to it as often as in the past. This may be a way of down playing its importance, in an effort to shield the faith of brothers and sisters who may start to have doubts about its accuracy? It can be a very complicated detailed subject when you break it down to its nuts and bolts. There's plenty of room for doubts to creep in if you don't have a thorough knowledge of the subject, which most people wouldn't have. People like yourself and Rolf are certainly a rare breed among the Witness population.
Fair observation. In view of the current climate that we find ourselves in, I have learned some very important lessons over the years in defending our doctrines and there are two things: the importance and role of theology and the need of careful exegesis of the biblical text as opposed to simply eisegesis in making application of the latter. Thus this creates a most interesting spiritual journey for myself and for others as one seeks to understand Jehovah's will for us.
scholar JW emeritus
--When you have resolved the 586/7 controversy then can you speak of intellectual honesty
scholar, you speak on the discrepancy of 587/586 but you ignore the one with the WTS 607/606.
I have showed that the years the WTS has for Jehoiakim are 628 –618
Based on that Neb's 18th year would be 606
There is no need to dissolve anything as this doctrine is sound well established as part of Bible prophecy and confirmed by the outbreak of the First World War in 1914 CE.
The WTS say that in Oct 1914 is when Jesus became king and the first thing Jesus (Michael) did was throw Satan out of heaven to the earth which meant WOE for the earth. They say WW1 is evidence of that WOE. Here is the thing though, WW1 started in June/July of 1914.
WW1 began on July 28, 1914 after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand occurred on June 28, 1914.
[w92 5/1 p. 6 - Unseen to human eyes, in October 1914 an event of world-shaking importance took place in heaven. Jesus Christ, the permanent Heir to “the throne of David,” commenced his rule as King over all mankind.—Luke 1:32, 33; Revelation 11:15. ‘But,’ you may ask, ‘if Christ began ruling in 1914, why did conditions on earth get worse?’ Because mankind’s invisible enemy Satan was still in existence. Until 1914, Satan had access to heaven. That situation changed with the setting up of God’s Kingdom in 1914. “War broke out in heaven.” (Revelation 12:7) Satan and his demons were defeated and cast down to the earth, with catastrophic effects on mankind. The Bible foretold: “Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.”—Revelation 12:12.] -
Lets not forget the WTS/IBSA set 1914 first through Pyramidology via C T Russell.
This doctrinal dating was something going back to the late 1800's,
Christ's return was previously dated by these men in 1874, they wrong about that date as well, but it too was seen as something saleable to the public.
Fair observation. In view of the current climate that we find ourselves in, I have learned some very important lessons over the years in defending our doctrines and there are two things: the importance and role of theology and the need of careful exegesis of the biblical text as opposed to simply eisegesis in making application of the latter. Thus this creates a most interesting spiritual journey for myself and for others as one seeks to understand Jehovah's will for us.
scholar JW emeritus
I think most people who attempt to interpret the scriptures start out using exegesis and end up with eisegesis. I may be wrong, but I’m not personally convinced there is one harmonious way of interpreting the scriptures, despite using rigorous exegesis. To my mind there seems to be too many places where the scriptures can be used to support more than one position. I find you end up using your own personal preferences in deciding upon which position you ultimately chose to side with.
A well informed and knowledgeable former brother by the name of Eric Wilson also advocates the importance of careful exegesis. Despite both yourself and Eric using the same methodology you guys still draw different conclusions on many important doctrines.
Eric explains his method very well here
As it’s the pure in heart who will see God, maybe a good place to start ones personal journey in scripture is by paying close attention to the heart?
in order that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in your knowledge of Him. 18 I ask that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know the hope of His calling, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, 19and the surpassing greatness of His power to us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of His mighty strength, (Ephesians 1:17-19).