My thoughts on the last WT study. Keep in Expectation

by StarTrekAngel 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • umbertoecho

    Isn't that one of the most arrogant delusional things to come up with. Now they are literally telling people, us, that what is said in the bible isn't necessarily so. That what many of us plainly read is not what really is before us. In fact, those word are fake words on fake paper in a fake world.............better go, it's doing my head in.

    I have heard it all...........nearly.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    Each writer of these verses you cite - 1 Timothy, Revelation, Matthew - expected their words to relate to their own immediate time. All of them, including Paul and Jesus, were apocalyptic preachers who taught that "the end is nigh", in their lifetime.

    Because they were wrong, in every century since then, people have reworked the words to make them apply to their own time. Because the expectations of people in each succeeding century has failed, history is forever repeated.

    Today there is a plethora of groups who have not learned the lesson taught by history, of which the WTS is only one such group.


  • jwfacts

    That paragraph is so ignorant. A couple of additional logical failures:

    Under those conditions, even skeptics would likely feel compelled too admit bible prophecy was undergoing fulfillment.

    No, those conditions are things that have always happened. Think back to early man in the ice age. It would just be considered by skeptics to be the cycle of life.

    From the simplified version.

    But if that happened, it would be obvious to everyone that Bible prophecy was being fulfilled. It would be clear even to people who are not interested in what the Bible says.

    No, most of the world does not follow they Bible. Bad conditions would lead them to their own religion for answers. As an example, I was speaking to a Muslim once, who was saying earthquakes were a sign of Allah's return. He would not see it as a sign to join Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Oubliette

    When you're in a cult, no matter what happens it only proves you're right!

  • stuckinarut2

    So this flies in the face of decades of teaching, that the "world under Satan's control would continue to get worse and worse and worse", prompting the need for Armageddon ?!?!?!?

  • Vidiot

    Beth Sarim - "...It says clearly in the bible that 'every eye will see him', but the Borg always publishes how 'he has come invisibly'..."

    Just another Band-Aid on the bleeding stump of failed predictions.

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