Soooooooo.......what happened to Jehovah ordering his angels to protect the dubs, especially at large, holy meetings?
Major changes to convention security beginning in 2017
by Edison Trent 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Edison Trent
The bag checks: The attendants will ask the visitors to open their bag and just look into it, don't open it by themself or touch it. If someone does not cooperate they won't be let in. They will not check every single bag, but randomly choosen people will be checked.
No attendant is allowed to initiate body contact but can defend himself if someone else touches him. So when someone tries to get in and touches an attendant he may hold and stop him.
I find it remarkable to slow the entrance process down, so people will have to wait many minutes in line. In the last years lots of witnesses are very impatient to get into the stadium. Some get very angry and start to curse against the attendants. This change will make it worse. But of course it is necessary.
My information is about conventions in Europe. Some take place in stadiums but will be less public than in the past. It's less about "real security" but about "felt security".
My information is about conventions in Europe. Some take place in stadiums but will be less public than in the past.
So maybe this is just for those "special" international conventions, and not for regional conventions in general?
Edison Trent
My info says, it is for regional conventions, not just international ones, and the GB asked for it. I think this will be a worldwide thing.
Geez, is this an American thing where, before anything even happens, people start screaming "my rights, my rights!" ?
They have every right to tell you that you get your bags inspected or you don't come in. And if you force your way in then you are trespassing and they can call the cops and you'd be arrested.
Yes Simon I think it is an "American Thing". I don't think they would have the right in this country. Maybe they do in the UK but not here.
I think as it is a free public event it has to be that. I think discrimination laws ans such come into play. I am not certain though.
I'll tell you this, if they ask to search me I will refuse and happily be sent on my way. :-) I kinda hope they do it.
Even standard run-of-the-mill RCs?
How on earth is that going to work?
For 1.5 hours before the session starts, and for 1.5 hours during lunchtime (sorry, gotta get the JW lingo right, "during the intermission for the noon meal"), there are dozens if not hundreds of JWs per minute streaming into the building, then streaming out, then back in, then back out, in, out, in, out, all the time.
Either the process is going to slow everything down to such a crawl that half the audience is late for the first couple of talks, or these "security measures" will cover only about 10% of the attendees, rendering the process utterly meaningless.
Richard Oliver
This is going to be a pretty easy one to confirm or not confirm. If people report it happening to a number of sites including at assembly hall sites then it is an organisational directive if not it is probably specific to the site and what the management of that site requires to rent out space.
I am so tempted to go to the event in my typical Hawaiian shirt, sandals, and cargo shorts. Then let the fun begin.
NAH! They would probably let me stay and then I would have to listen to that crap.
The more I think of this the more I disbelieve it.
They just had a part about the convention and delegates were told to bring their lunch and to keep your coolers out of isles and out of the way etc.
Can you imagine searching all those coolers?
Be cool though cuz it would be my get out of jail free card and I wouldn't have to go.
I highly doubt this seems highly impracticable. They dont have the man power attendant wise to search people as they come in, unlike events at conventions you can come and go as you please. What are they gonna do search people multiple times a day as they enter and exit for whatever reason.