Nvaagain - you are comfortable maintaining the status quo and living the double life- for now. It is when you experience your own crisis of consciousness that you will then recognize the damage of abandoning your integrity. To continue in the life that accepts the GB as the word of god, it will eventually catch up with you.
Lost time, lost opportunities to make your life better, possibly marrying a JW then finding out your consciousness will not allow the assault on your integrity ( or intelligence, or emotions) to continue.
The experience of potentially losing, or actually losing, all that is connected with the JW is a horrific experience for so many., Some even commit suicide over it. The emotional blackmail/ torture is not biblical.
If you got married and had children, think ahead. Think oft the possibilities you could be faced with. You could be disfellowshipped for something you felt was wrong. Your family, friends, etc. would punish you, not reach out to honestly, realistically, help with your questions or anything else. Your child could be disfellowshipped for simply not believing the GB is the final word of God. Think of what you would be faced with.
Your investment of time so far has been long. But that is not a reason to continue. The need of the Comfort of familiarity can be found in plenty of toxic situations.This investment is considered a sunk cost.
You need to think. Think abut your future. Step outside your comfort zone to find out what it actually real.