J W Survey Article : Upcoming Assembly Encourages J W Youth to Lie About Homosexuality

by BluesBrother 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BluesBrother

    ..........However, it seems that this practice [Theocratic Warfare] is seeping more and more into regular Witness life. In fact, one speech outline for the upcoming 2017 Circuit Assembly appears to directly encourage Witnesses to lie to the general public about Watchtower’s teachings on homosexuality............


    NB This is a month old.. If it has been previously posted and I missed it, Sorry . (Blues)

  • StephaneLaliberte

    For once, I did not fully agree with the article on jwsurvey. The reality is that thought the society has been homophobic for many years, it is taking steps to rectify the situation.

    Their current teaching is: “You can be gay, as long as you do not practice it.” This isn’t so bad considering that they also preach abstinence to all the single heterosexuals. In fact, I am willing to bet that there are more single heterosexuals out there than there are gays.

    Still there is room for even more changes. In talks and letters sent to the Body of Elders, they render judgment on man who are not manly enough or women that are not girly enough. This is homophobic.

    Hence, their current message to the gay community is:

    We don’t have a problem with you as long as you do not have sex. Also, you have to pretend you’re heterosexual.

    Anyways, even if the society is trying to change, there is one major problem: the bible itself is homophobic. It calls it a “detestable act.” (Leviticus 18:22)

  • StephaneLaliberte

    The additional issue is that most of the members are even more homophobe than the watchtower itself. I remember just a few years ago, there were plenty of jokes made about the gays. I felt it would have been a living nightmare for someone to actually be gay and try his/her best to stay a witness. I even spoke out a few times and pointed watchtower articles to fellow JWs as they kept making some of the worst homophobic comments one could here.

    For instance, there was a brother who told me: Anal sex with another man? That’s disgusting! I responded: You know why the society stopped disfellowshipping husbands who had anal sex with their wives? There were too many!

  • Vidiot

    "Watchtower encourages JW youths to lie"...

    ...in other news, water is wet.

    At least Westboro Baptist is honest about their dickishness.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Their current teaching is: “You can be gay, as long as you do not practice it.”

    I don't believe that to be the case. They have said it isn't enough to suppress homosexual behavior, citing "That is what some of you WERE" (1 Cor. 6:11)

  • LostGeneration

    The reality is that thought the society has been homophobic for many years, it is taking steps to rectify the situation.

    Really? How? Are they allowing gays to be themselves? Tight pants Tony and his rants against the supposed gay community sure aren't contributing to an environment of openness. Are they recognizing scientific evidence that many animals are homosexual?

    Their current teaching is: “You can be gay, as long as you do not practice it.” This isn’t so bad considering that they also preach abstinence to all the single heterosexuals. In fact, I am willing to bet that there are more single heterosexuals out there than there are gays.

    False analogy. Can you get married as a gay person in the congo? No way. Of course there are more single heteros than gays, that's how the population tilts as is.

  • LettMorrisSplaneit


    "The reality is that thought the society has been homophobic for many years, it is taking steps to rectify the situation"

    I wholeheartedly disagree with this statement. They reality is that they recognize that their stance is old fashioned and they're out of touch with reality. They're being heavily criticized by the public for their homophobic stance and they don't like it. They see others religions being more accepting of gays and that the tide has turned, they however are looking more and more outdated and hateful as time passes.

  • slimboyfat

    There is something really obnoxious with the idea that JWs treat homosexuals equally with single heterosexuals because both are in the "same position" of having to abstain from sex. The fact is single heterosexual JWs can find partners if they are willing and able whereas homosexual JWs can't. Even if they are not in a position to do so, single heterosexual JWs can at least dream about finding a partner. Even the dreams of homosexual JWs, even if not acted upon, are deemed sinful in themselves. The idea that this constitutes equal treatment is risible.

  • steve2

    The reality is that thought the society has been homophobic for many years, it is taking steps to rectify the situation.

    Perhaps Stephane Laliberte did not intend to use such lumbering words, but to state that the organization is "taking steps to rectify the situation"? Really? How is it being "rectified"? By lies? What exactly are the lies about being gay in this instance? Give us an example, please.

    Fact is, nothing's changed at all. JWs use soft talk on a lot of topics, chief of which is their woolly words in answer to the question, "Do JWs believe theirs is the only true religion?" Talk about a snow job on this question alone.

  • stuckinarut2

    If the principle from the bible supposedly said by Jesus is to be abided by, then there is no room for witnesses to be "non-practising gays"

    They say "you cant even think it in your heart". This has nothing to do with acting on those desires.

    So the premise said above that a "gay" person can be so but just cant practice it is false.

    As a witness once said "you cant be a racist in your heart, because God still knows your thoughts, and one day you will act on those feelings anyway"

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