I don't see how they could water down their anti- homosexuality stance and not do the same with the blood doctrine as both sins are mentioned in the infamous scripture as disqualifiers for inheriting the kingdom.
J W Survey Article : Upcoming Assembly Encourages J W Youth to Lie About Homosexuality
by BluesBrother 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sometimes there is absolutely no way to back away from a teaching - which is why, over the growing passage of time, some groups become increasingly anachronistic...and irrelevant.
Luo bou to
Did Jesus have sex with John if not why not cause the gospel does say he was the one he loved
"Watchtower encourages JW youths to lie"...
...in other news, water is wet.
So funny because it's so true!
Their current teaching is: “You can be gay, as long as you do not practice it.” This isn’t so bad considering that they also preach abstinence to all the single heterosexuals. In fact, I am willing to bet that there are more single heterosexuals out there than there are gays.
That is so wrong at so many levels. Still thinking of being gay as (a) something that people "practice" and (b) something that JW idiots are entitled to make decisions about for others.
The WT has no saying about who or what people are, period. It's not up for discussion, it's not up for policy, and it's nobody's business to determine who or what we are. Gay people don't need anybody's permission or approval to be gay. And who are they to say that anyone is "pleased" by hiding who they are?
Nobody is entitled to say who they are but themselves, end of discussion.
Alright, I read a lot of comments and my take on this was actually wrong:
What I already knew:
Presently, Jehovah’s Witnesses ARE homophobic. In addition, they have a horrific, thoroughly documented, track record of being so. One just needs to browse the article on JWFacts.com to be convinced of this*.
That being said, there has recently been a MINOR change in their position: They recently admitted that homosexuality is not a choice; that you can be born that way. Sorry I can’t find that quote right now, but I believe it has been the stance for the last 10 years or so. I know as I brought an article explaining that to an elder who said it was a choice in one of his talks.
What I didn’t grasp:
Watchtower DOESN’T CARE if you’re born this way. To them, it is irrelevant. You need to suppress it. You need to battle constantly with yourself to make sure you do not look and act homosexual in your day to day activities. This means that when they say: “They show kindness to all people, including those who are gay.” It is an outright lie. How can you show kindness to someone and tell him or her: “You need to stop talking and walking like a fag?” They have no respect for gays, regardless of if they practice it or not.
Dam, they are so cleverly wording things that even I was duped into thinking they were somehow becoming a little more accepting and loving.
* http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/homosexuality-gay-jehovahs-witnesses.php
StephaneLaliberte - "...even I was duped into thinking they were somehow becoming a little more accepting and loving."
Join the club.
Watchtower: The Bible thus makes a distinction between inclinations and practices. (Romans 7:16-25) A person who has homosexual leanings can control what he allows his mind to dwell on, just as he would control any other wrong desire, including leanings toward anger, adultery, and greed.—1 Corinthians 9:27; 2 Peter 2:14, 15.
But what about naughty dreams? Whatever your sexual inclinations, naughty dreams can make a person as randy as hell!
That being said, there has recently been a MINOR change in their position: They recently admitted that homosexuality is not a choice; that you can be born that way.
yes, Stephane. But I recall that the actual wording in the JW literature was not so direct - it allowed for the possibility that sexual orientation was not a choice, whilst adding (of course!) that acting on that orientation was a choice.
For any WTS stance on homosexuality to make sense and also allow it, they would need to approve of gay marriage. Basically, their position is that sex outside of marriage is wrong. If gay people can't marry then any gay sex is then automatically wrong, but that is no different to their view of heterosexual sex outside of marriage.
Having a position against gay marriage is hardly unusual for conservative christian group. They seem to fall on the lighter side of the scale though, more of a "don't do it, don't ask, don't tell". Of course, it's impossible for any group to hold the teaching without people in that group feeling it is persecution.
But "stop the press, conservative christian group opposed to gay sex" isn't really shocking news.