Lawsuit Settlement Amounts

by Richard Oliver 65 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Lostandfound

    As Stephane wrote

    Do you even accept as a fact that the Watchtower did mishandle a shocking number of sexual abuse cases?

    Any comment on that Richard?

  • Richard Oliver
    Richard Oliver

    I do think that there are issues with the way that they handled certain cases. I do think that their new policy document puts them in line more closely with the way that most people want them to act. I don't agree that they should be held liable for the actual actions and that they have not committed a violation of the law in most cases that should put them in danger of a civil or a criminal liability. I think you cannot hold someone else responsible for a third parties action except under very limited circumstances.

  • Richard Oliver
    Richard Oliver

    And I know that I am going to be accused of being heartless. But to illustrate. Let's say that your a grown adult and you happen to move back and live with your parents after you got out of prison for murdering someone. Then you go out and murder someone else, should your parents be held legally liable for you murdering someone else? No, they are not. You're a fully grown adult where they have limited authority over even though you may live with them. Now if your parents gave you a gun and said I really hate that person I wish someone would kill them then that would be a different story. Now morally would they still be culpable over you committing a second murder, either way, that is up for each person to decide, but that is not what the law is.

  • freddo

    How about this scenario Richard?

    You are a parent and your adult son molests a child, goes to prison and comes back to live with you. A new neighbour moves in next door with children. Should you warn her that your son has been to prison for child molestation?

  • Richard Oliver
    Richard Oliver

    If the law requires that your child warns the new neighbours then yes. But the law doesn't say that you as a parent has to tell people that he is a child molester. Does a landlord have to tell the people in their building that they rented to a child molester? No, they don't. The requirement is put upon the person who was convicted of warning people if that is part of the laws in that jurisdiction. That is what the California Appeals court in the Conti case said when they said that the Congregation has no duty to warn. If the law prescribed Kendrick to tell people that he was a child molester then the burden falls upon him, not upon an organisation that he is associated with. Even with an employer, there are certain types of jobs that someone who has been committed of child molestation cannot have, but not all jobs. If an employer wants to hire a child molester to work at a restaurant that children may come with their family, the employer is not required to tell all visitors to the restaurant that one of the waiters is a child molester.

    Edit: Again morally is it probably the right thing to do in your scenario where the parents tell the neighbours? Yes, but legally no. You cannot be held responsible for the actions of a third party unless there are unique relationships that are spelt out by the law.

  • sparrowdown

    Surely you mean if the Bible requires WT to warn since it's the Bible WT claims to obey first rather than The Law of any state or country. WT elders are the shepherds are they not why would the shepherds not protect the sheep by not warning them of a threat to their offspring. Why would the shepherds allow the threat to roam freely amongst the flock and visit the home of people outside the flock for recruiting purposes.

    Wake up to yourself WT is not just a secular organization with no moral duty to warn and protect based solely on law. WT claims to follow a higher law the law of love where there is no just law that is just law!!!

  • Simon

    Rickard Oliver. There's no need to come up with any "suppose" alternative contrived scenarios just so you can attempt to paint the WTS as somehow innocent.

    Why not "imagine" this to illustrate:

    Let's say that the elders of a congregation become aware that a pedophile is molesting children in their congregation. They tell no one and let them continue abusing children. Or when asked by another congregation that they move to they reply with "oh, he's especially great with young children!"

    Q: Are the elders collectively more or less despicable than you are?

    When it comes to children, they put profit before protection.

    Now I think you're done here. We're tired of hearing some jerk-wad try to callously defend the indefensible to protect a cult at the expense of children it's helped victimize.


    Now I think you're done here.

    We're tired of hearing some jerk-wad try to callously defend the indefensible

    to protect a cult at the expense of children it's helped victimize.....Simon

    Image result for hallelujah animal

  • OrphanCrow
    RO: And I know that I am going to be accused of being heartless. But to illustrate. Let's say that your a grown adult and you happen to move back and live with your parents after you got out of prison for murdering someone. Then you go out and murder someone else, should your parents be held legally liable for you murdering someone else? No, they are not. You're a fully grown adult where they have limited authority over even though you may live with them. Now if your parents gave you a gun and said I really hate that person I wish someone would kill them then that would be a different story. Now morally would they still be culpable over you committing a second murder, either way, that is up for each person to decide, but that is not what the law is.

    Your illustration is incomplete.

    To make a fair comparison, let's say that the parents, after they found out that their son murdered someone again, decided that they weren't going to tell the police. In fact, they weren't going to tell anyone - what would the neighbors think? So, they kept their son's secret.

    Now, tell me...are the parents culpable in their son's murder? Are they "accessories after the fact"? Have the parents, by not telling the authorities about the murder, committed a crime themselves?

  • WhatshallIcallmyself

    "callously defend[ing] the indefensible" - Simon

    Nicely sums up the majority of RO's posts in my opinion.

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