Thank you Simon!
Lawsuit Settlement Amounts
by Richard Oliver 65 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
For new posters, I would like to explain how the figure of $12,500,000 was reached as the payout by the Watchtower to secretly settle 9 lawsuits involving 16 plaintiffs back in the Spring of 2007.
BTW, there weren't 6 lawsuits settled secretly by the Watchtower back in 2007 as RO claimed.
Please read the following excellent article about the settlement:
I've pasted two paragraphs from the article regarding the amount of one secret settlement with a plaintiff below, although the entire article is worth reading.
Here it is ten-years later and I decided when I saw this thread to share some background information about how the total amount of the settlement was arrived at.
As you will read, the article states that one plaintiff received $781,250. Personally, I knew of that figure before the article came out so out of curiosity, I multiplied the figure by 16 (plaintiffs) and the total was exactly $12,500,000.
And that's how the amount of the total settlement was arrived at. Of course, there is no proof that each plaintiff received the same amount, but why not - all the molestations were equally awful - so why should any one victim be given more than another.
To this day, I believe my guess of the total amount was accurate because the settlement took place just a few months before the jury trials were to start - April 2007 which I had reliable info from within headquarters that Watchtower knew they would lose.
The attorneys, Love and Norris, were desirous of putting Ted Jaracz on the stand. Knowing Jaracz as well as I did, I knew he would never agree to it and would probably settle which he did.
Jaracz was such a nasty, arrogant person, and, in his anger, I felt he told the attorneys to settle and then threw at them the figure to offer to get rid of the cases and bad publicity - $12,500,000, to be split among 16 plaintiffs, hence the settlement amount for each of them - $781,250. That amount is recorded in some court documents which can not legally be released but came to the attention of attorneys at MSNBC.
By the way, 3/4's of a million dollars was not an unusual amount awarded to victims of child abuse over the years. In fact, I had reliable information that it was the average paid out by the Catholic Church to victims of molestation by priests. It is not unreasonable to think that a researcher in the WT's Legal Dept. suggested something like that for each victim.
New Evidence in Jehovah’s Witness Allegations – MSNBC
The Jehovah’s Witnesses have settled nine lawsuits alleging church policies protected men who sexually abused children for many years.
By Lisa Myers and Richard Greenberg
NBC News Investigative Unit
updated 2:43 p.m. PT, Wed., Nov . 21, 2007
Article Source: MSNBCParagraph #5:
The Jehovah’s Witnesses recently agreed to pay to settle that lawsuit and eight other similar cases, without admitting wrongdoing. The cases all involved men the church allegedly knew had sexually abused children. The settlements for those cases are confidential and filed under seal.
Paragraph #6: However, NBC News has obtained a copy of one of the settlements from the McLean lawsuit, and it may offer an indication of the potential magnitude of the payouts. According to the court record, the church agreed to pay $781,250 to the accuser, who claimed McLean abused her from age 3 to age 9. (After legal fees and other costs, the accuser was set to receive approximately $530,000.)
Lawyers for the plaintiffs declined to comment. READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE AT:
Thanks for the extra info Barb, that makes perfect sense :thumbsup:
For new posters, I would like to explain how the figure of $12,500,000 was reached as the payout by the Watchtower to secretly settle 9 lawsuits involving 16 plaintiffs back in the Spring of 2007.....Barbara Anderson
Thank you for providing the information, Barbara. 👏👏👏
The very fact that you can multiply 781,250, a fairly precise number, by the number of plaintiff and reach a number as rounded as 12.5 million is not a coincidence. I believe Barbara is right. They used that 12.5 million and divided by 16.