All I can say it wasn't read in our cong. Yesterday in ohio
US Letter Read Sunday 4/26 at Meeting - No KH Use and No Field Service Indefinitely
by JWTom 65 Replies latest jw friends
I wouldn’t be surprised if the letter was real. Imagine the liafuckingbility if a covid positive jw was going door to door spreading the good virus.
under the radar
I agree with Atlantis and Petra. If the letter is genuine and has not been redacted to protect the original source, it would have the identifying marks they mentioned.
They are wise in not releasing their copy of the letter prematurely. The Watchtower would like nothing more than to say, "Look! Those mentally diseased apostates are spreading lies and fake news again! You can't trust anything they say!" Heck, I wouldn't put it past the Borg to plant such a letter themselves, hoping it would be mistaken for authentic and publicized, just so they can discredit their sworn enemies.
My personal opinion is that this letter is not authentic. It's not hard to write in the style of the Watchtower and make something sound like it's coming from them, especially if you get your grammar, punctuation and spelling right. Part of a nefarious scheme or not, I think this letter is an example of "fake news." I won't believe it or share it with others until Atlantis and Petra verify its authenticity. I trust them.
under the radar makes some good points because Avoidjw has the same letter as we do, and he would not release it either.
There was a poster on Reddit who was faking Watchtower letters some time back just for humor, and many people could tell right off the bat that the letters were bogus.
It doesn't take a rocket-scientist to see the differences.
We heard it on Sunday. Typically we have announcements on Tuesday but was a special letter we were told.
It is possible that the letter and information is real, that is why we want to verify. As the old saying goes....Better to be safe than sorry! It would seem reasonable that if it is a "special letter", then more than one or two congregations would have heard the announcement.
It wasn't me.
It's real.
It's an "Announcement" rather than a letter, so it doesn't have letterhead, signatures, etc.
But it's on the jw.borg site.
Ok, very good! Do you have a link? This will help greatly.
WOW are they thinking this is the big A? They are being very short sighted here. Money will run out soon very soon.