See... Sir is a double agent. I trust it when he says something about the Watchtower
US Letter Read Sunday 4/26 at Meeting - No KH Use and No Field Service Indefinitely
by JWTom 65 Replies latest jw friends
If there is an inkling of truth to this news, then the JW religion will go mostly online. You are right that this crisis has been tailor made for them to accomplish selling off most of the kingdom halls.
But, I still think the religion is on its way to dwindling down to a very small sect.
As for those who think Zoom meetings are going to save them, I’m not so sure. I still believe fence-sitters and would-be faders are as good as out. As for the remainder of the JWs: the faithful elderly are passing away. It remains to be seen whether the Witnesses who are left will still remain interested in the religion. Whether they contribute $ is another thing!. If people have have lost jobs in this crisis, No way!
I could be wrong but time will tell.
My guess it would be a legal concern for the WT. They don't want anyone claiming they got sick on their property. I guess you can't blame them for that. Also they might know they have to make it very clear to prevent any over zealous elders from doing otherwise. Reading it to the whole congregation would prevent any elder from reinterpreting the directive.
The letter/announcement was read here too (SE USA). As it is, the authorities are not allowing any groups over 10 to meet in this area.
Pete Zahut
I'm guessing there will be a lot of JW's who will realize that they like not having to go to meetings and their lives won't necessarily fall apart if they don't go. They might find that they've been away from the indoctrination long enough that when they do finally go back, they'll be seeing things with new eyes and the whole thing will seem weird to them.
Thanks for the update, Petra.
It pays to be cautious in this regard. But it is interesting that two forum members (JWTom and FedUpJW) both say they personally heard that announcement.
Sounds almost unbelievable to me. But I do believe the cult will become another online based “religion”.
This letter is just confirming the governments laws regarding social gatherings.
When these restrictions are lifted another letter will be sent out stating its OK to attend Kingdom Halls, after all that's where the real brainwashing takes place.
Elders once again can reinsert their power over the flock, guilt tripping and obligating people to spread the literature to the public.
The letter was read in my congregation too on Sunday. They also had to make themselves seem better than the rest of the world by saying the world might start going back to work for economic (read greedy) reasons, but we value life more. uggh. Remember they were late to quit gathering in March... no respect for life.
Also, there has been a lot more indoctrination during Covid19. Elders calling, emailing, making sure your camera is on and you are dressed up, and smiling. I wouldn't doubt they record the meeting so they can take roll call. Or at least have each elder count his group during meeting with notes on their camera. There's also been a lot of pressure to meet with zoom service groups, even if you haven't meet with a literal group in months. They meet every morning, and they want people to have their own groups and write letters together over zoom. I'm not doing it, but the intimidation is constant, and that is what will get PIMOs like myself out. It's a pressure cooker, NO TIME OFF!!!!!! I can see why WT likes it this way, they have MORE control.
Hey, you can probably tell I'm sick of people saying that when JWs go back to meetings they will quit the religion?! Because they are still. going. to. meetings. It's just virtual.
The announcement is real. Heard it on the zoomed meeting yesterday! And it's a fu*king blessing! Give my pimi wife tome to get her head around living real life! At least 2-3 more months of Zoom and Doom!
just saying!