Ten-four good buddy...this letter was read here locally also. The tone of the letter is that 'Mother' wants everyone to prepare to have zoom-meetings for the long haul. In fact... the local elders are assigning brothers to handle zoom meetings for service every day of the week. Basically the organization is telling the rank & file that even though local governments are easing up on restrictions...they expect JWs to continue with safe distancing protocols until told otherwise.
US Letter Read Sunday 4/26 at Meeting - No KH Use and No Field Service Indefinitely
by JWTom 65 Replies latest jw friends
Eyeusedtbadub - Zoom and Doom!
Spot on. -
We thank all of you for your valuable information. It would seem that there are several eye-witnesses to the letter being read, or others who can confirm the information.
It was also mentioned that the information is on the Tower website, even thought I was unable to find it, I will keep looking.
We just want to make sure and so does Avoidjw.
I will post a link to the letter below and see if it can be confirmed by eye-witnesses as true.
@Atlantis yes, this is the letter that was read on Sunday.
Thank you Nitty! Your assistance deserves cold German Beer!
JW GoneBad
The letter in part says:
Generally, we are more cautious than the secular authorities and our neighbors, who are often eager to resume activities for economic reasons.
As usual...a very condescending and snobbish tone from this cult!
Having read these previous posts ,I would`nt be at all surprised if some very clever dude has duped some/many? congregations into thinking this is a genuine letter from the Governing Body .?
When in fact its bogus .
Well I can dream can`t I ?
When in fact its bogus .
S3: or a stalking horse method to pinpoint sources.
I know how you feel smiddy and that is why we didn't want to post it until we could get it verified. But there are several on this board who say it is accurate.
I posted it to see if it was what folks heard or were witnesses to at a meeting. And they say "yes" it is accurate.
I guess the reader will have to judge for themselves.