It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  •  Debra

    Wonder what will happen when Tibor upsets or disagrees with him

  • slimboyfat

    LE is skilled at distinguishing people who are useful to him from people who are not useful, discarding those who are not useful, and doing enough to keep useful people on board. So as long as Tibor is useful he will be pleasant enough to him. Plus on the other side Tibor has demonstrated he’s willing to put up with a lot.

    LE is skilled at distinguishing people who are useful to him from people who are not useful, discarding those who are not useful, and doing enough to keep useful people on board.

    Couldn’t agree with you more - and vulnerable people exiting a high control group just make it to easy for him. 😞

  • TonusOH

    I assume he would follow his normal pattern- confront Tibor aggressively and get him to stand down, thus solidifying his control. Or, if Tibor doesn't relent, turn on him as a traitor and lament his betrayal to his remaining supporters, with the tacit expectation that they will do what they can to soothe Evans's bruised ego while finding ways to attack Tibor online.

    Evans doesn't have a particularly varied playbook, from the looks of it.

  • Vintage

    Yes, as conflict resolution goes, he's a one trick pony.

  • Toblerone5

    Yesterday , he release his video when he went back at a JW meeting... BORING by the way, Basically at first , everything was going fine ,nobody knew who he was , he went to the english speaking cong ,they were just 11 JW there ...As he was planning to Give A comment ? What? He assumed that since " They" thought he was a JW brother visiting there cong, "They" would appreciated if he would stood up, and give a comment ? O.M.G.! Yep he said that ! Even pretending to be a JW ,he still thing he's smarter than everybody else ! But then the former coordinator body of elders .from the first time he went to Croatia ,before he was married entered the room they look at each other, and he knew that that man recognize him right away. L.E. said that was quite Triggering to him , so for the rest of the meeting he was making all kind of scenarios in his head of what if he say this to me , ect ...NOTHING happened ,when the meeting was over , and that's what I found very odd, he said that this elder completely GHOST him. In other time he would have went into a big lecture on how he was SHUN and this is what JW are known for ,there Shunning policies , but he did not do that and again he used the word Ghost ? that was it...

    I wonder if that elder was on his Judiciary committee...

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Lloyd and Tibor are in a bit of a symbiotic relationship where they depend on each other. Lloyd needs Tibor for his specific skill set and his willingness to accept a local (low) wage. Tibor needs Lloyd because as he said it is difficult to get a job in Croatia, and almost impossible for one in his field. And Tibor is right, Croatia has the worst unemployment rate in the EU.

    If I were Tibor, Lloyd being booted from TTATT was a huge blow. It could have been his ticket to Hollywood had it been a huge thing. Probably in no small part this was in Lloyd’s sales pitch.

    Tibor definitely benefitted from the status quo of December 2021 which at least partially explains his bitterness towards Lloyd’s critics. I don’t see him splitting with Lloyd over a disagreement. It is however entirely possible, even probable that with his grift stuck in the mud, Lloyd will try to cut costs with Tibor and look to keep more of the money for himself. He might not have a choice if the Patrons continue to drop. He’s already lost most if not all of what he gained from the begging tweets.

    It’ll be one of those incidents where Lloyd goes on holiday and Tibor, who is getting less and less work sees him for who he is : someone who doesn’t give a shit about others.

    PS - It sounds like Tibor lives at Ramacro. In the latest video Lloyd stated he brought Lloyd JW literature from there.

  • Ahoy

    How do you know how much Tibor is paid? If it were that low I doubt hed stay. And if someone brings you something from somewhere, how does that mean they live there? Its their studio, saying someone lives at the studio because they brought something from the studio is just crazy. No hard feelings, but your theories sound completely baseless.

  • nicolaou
    Croatia has the worst unemployment rate in the EU

    Actually Croatia has a better employment rate than Finland, Sweden, France and quite a few other EU countries. It isn't the basket case it's often portrayed as.

    But then the former coordinator body of elders .from the first time he went to Croatia ,before he was married entered the room they look at each other, and he knew that that man recognize him right away

    There was a brother that he had been friends with him for years (growing up and into adulthood). My memory is scratchy however I believe that brother was in Croatia and they fell out. Lloyd had contempt for this brother. I can sure, but not certain that this is probably the brother he is referring to.

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