Hi Everyone, Phats here. I haven't posted for about 2 years as things have been so busy with work + a nervous breakdown along the way so been on meds & all sorts but things but are now beginning to get stronger & the mists are clearing. Business is great with loads of work. (I'm in the music industry) have been for over 20 years. Anyway you are welcome to check my history here to get an idea of my experiences in the Org but I just wanted to catch up & see what's happened over the years. Would love to hear from people. Please. Thats out (for now)
I'm back
by phats 28 Replies latest jw friends
The Rebel
I look forward to checking your post history. I hope your now beyond the walls of the Watchtower and therefore recovered from your Jehovers Witness experience.
The Rebel.
Music industry. Congrats on that. Welcome back.
Hi Phats, good to hear you are doing well.
Hi Phats.
Glad to know you're getting stronger and business is great.
I don't know you but welcome back to the forum.
Thanks guys, Somehow I've managed to go from someone who is doing just what he is told. Whether it is legal or illegal "Holy War" I now do everything I want & live with the support of my lovely wife all the way. She is still very much a good hard working, self sacrificing witness as you could meat & I support her where ever I way. The thing is, I'm free & the Borg has been rendered powerless because I played them at there game. Sorry fore any spell oops. Can't be bothered to go through. sorry.
I can't seem to find to much of my history so I guess it got lost somewhere when the platform changed as this is the first time I've seen this design before. Phats.
I was hoping that this is somewhere I can truly be honest & completely free to be me & not have an agenda. Remember, I work in the biz with the most aberrant people on the planet. It's true. You do get the bests well but it's all extremes, that's for sure. Hah! anyway, whatever. I've learnt one hell of a lot over the last 22 years I've been doing this. Phats. BTW Phats is my alter ego. He's everything I truly feel in my heart but I can only express when there is no aulteria motive other that the full & unexpected fax of any mater. Anyway Peace to you all. Phats out.
+ My views for what they're worth are untraceable under normal circumstance so no worries. Phats, out.
you should re-tell your experience as a jw and waking up.