I'm back

by phats 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • phats

    It would take to long but I can tel you I've got some proper corkers. This is totally true in everyday. It will really make you laugh. Phats.

  • phats

    I'll try & search out some old stuff if it's still archived.

  • phats

    Here's a link for any one interested https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/280954/hello-from-phats

    Let me tell you. I've got a very funny tale to tel.

  • scratchme1010

    I just joined, but welcome back. There's a post of me introducing myself.

  • smiddy

    Your wife is still a dedicated active Jehovah`s Witness ? How does that work out ? That`s great for you two , to work that out , but the Elders in her Congregation ? , don`t see a problem with that ? Are they happy with you and your wife`s arrangement ?

    And How do the Elders in your wife`s Congregation treat you ? Do they shun you ? or do they treat you like an unbeliever ?, but hang on weren`t you a baptized publisher at one time ? or not.

    Thank`s phats , I will check out what I can about your musical history and association with the JW`s

    Welcome back to the forum

    Take care Bro ,


  • phats

    Well smiddy, This is the thing. We are both born ins. My wife was on of the classic good natured supporting sister. Proper stalwart sister without any malice in here heart & somehow she has managed to keep all of that whilest taking on board the facts that are around her. as for me, I love justice & fairness. I don't want to sound pompous but I hav always hated underhandedness & greed. I got to the point where I could no long take the injustice, the lies, the nepotism & on & on & on. I tried all I could not to get appointed but it happened (That is a massive story that will show any wonderers) But there I was. a ms & now seeing even more unchristian behaviour buy those that were in charge as it was but never said. Sorry for my ramble. & my spelling. I'm dyslexic. I own a business in the music business & am doing really well. I think it's because the music biz is full of all types believe me. Phats.

  • phats

    Anyway, yes. Somehow we have managed to work things out. even against all the odds.

    Check this out.

    Me. Out 10 years & NEVER going back.

    Wife. In her entire life NEVER coming out.

    First child. Out. We are both super close with no issues. (Daughter Living with boyfriend)

    Second child really questioning things as she's been taught to think for herself.

    My Mother 92 years old IN Been in 60 years.

    Father. NEVER in dead now.Love you Dad.

    Inlaws. Both IN IN IN IN SUPER IN. Pioneers, Long term Elder, PO, CS, Head of this, head of that. (You know the type)

    Anyway. I must say this. Me & My Misses love each other. 30 years married. We want US to work out good. Sod everyone else but we must allow each of us to live without constant guilt, total submission or constant selfishness. I don't know realy but for it's about honest Love. If you're both on the same page then anything can be sorted. I think :)

  • phats

    How is the Forum going? It looks very different to the platform of 2 years ago. Is Billy the bethelite still in contact? Phats.

  • phats

    No answers? Is everyone okay out there or am I missing something. Have this changed from how they were 2 years ago? Great to hear from someone. Phats.

  • SafeAtHome

    Maybe your avatar is just too creepy! I will say you have an interesting background, sorry your wife is not on the same page though. Happy your daughter is out too. It can't be easy with so many JW relatives to deal with. Hang in there, at least when we need it, we have great support here on this forum.

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