by apocalypse 103 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Surely we could ( I say "we", meaning faders ) have some legal document that trumps the WTBTS's document? If you really feel that you must sign it for fear of being DF'd, which I understand, you could have a lawyer help you make another document that nulls the WTBTS death warrant.

    The Eldubs could bring their copy to the hospital, only to be told that they have zero right to interfere with your medical wishes and that they are not entitled to your medical history. The Doctor could say, " Get the F*** out.."

    Let's be honest, the WTBTS document is for Watchtards. They want the faithful sheep as willing test subjects for bloodless medicine, which they probably own stock in. If the WTBTS can have a "medical directive" for you to sign that trumps all previous documents, then a lawyer can make one for you that trumps the WTBTS's directive.

    I'm no legal expert, but I didn't see any words to indicate that if you signed the WTBTS document, you couldn't change your mind.


  • apocalypse

    DATA-DOG7 minutes ago

    Surely we could ( I say "we", meaning faders ) have some legal document that trumps the WTBTS's document? If you really feel that you must sign it for fear of being DF'd, which I understand, you could have a lawyer help you make another document that nulls the WTBTS death warrant

    I should have thought of that!

  • JWdaughter

    Or just dont sign the silly thing. With all the id theft, this is a lame ass thing to do. The fact that They expect you to give the info and access to a committee is one darn good reason to refuse.

    "My lawyer has discouraged this since I have no control over an hlc and there is no reason to give unnamed persons access to my medical records or any say in my treatment."

    In fact as the HLC is not being given POA then you are just giving them open ended snooping rights. There is nothing useful they can do-all they can do is harrass you or your family about your choices.

  • RichardHaley
    The medical document has no power as long as you are conscious. You have to be unable to make medical decisions in order for the power of attorney to be implemented. I seen one jw tell the liaison committee to get lost and not to come back unless you hear I am unconscious. They can be a pain in the rear. There is always a large number of jws in each cong that don't get them filled out. Be one of those... there is only so much the elderdubs will do before they give up.
  • HBH

    5 wishes

    No lawyer needed, overrides anything previously signed. But a lawyer is more bullet proof.


  • apocalypse

    The big question is 'how much enforcement will take place?'

    I would suggest that there has been, or will be, elder meets where the thing is discussed. Possibly even another letter outlining enforcement.

    As a reference, remember the 'emergency contact' program started a few years ago... The elders around here became real anal retentive about it. They were unrelenting. You had to give them an emergency contact with an address where you were going to flee to in the case of an emergency.

    They would not give it up. My in-laws have nobody where they can flee to in Canada. So they gave a relative in Europe. And these stupid, idiotic elders accepted that. One elder even wanted to call these relatives to okay the whole deal. And he didn't speak the language. WTH

    Like as if 'there's a flood' and you are 'off to the airport for a trip to the old country.'

    Just seeing how mindlessly these fools persued the issue gives me pause.

  • sowhatnow

    do the copies of medical forms left with the elders to keep on file expire? i left copies of my filled out form with the elders years ago, but have not been to that cong or have a card in my wallet. im assuming they expire. Im also assuming that they would have no idea that they have them, nor care to visit me if i were ever in the hosp. years ago when i went in for a surgery, no one knew. the one person who did, never asked me about the blood issue. but at that time i did have a card and asked my surgeon to not give me any blood. [so, based on that exp, no one will know nor]

  • OnTheWayOut
    There is always a large number of jws in each cong that don't get them filled out. Be one of those... there is only so much the elderdubs will do before they give up.

    I must agree with RichardHaley. And if you are in a congregation with elders that pester you until they have a copy, just refuse. Just say, "I will have to run anything by a lawyer before I hand over legal papers to anyone."

    If that's not enough deterrent, say "I have everything on file with my lawyer. He advised me not to leave documents with non-medical non-legal people. So everything is good with me."

  • Wild_Thing

    Is it a new thing that there is no mention of blood fractions, or was that taken off a while back? When I was in, there was section on the card about blood fractions and you marked which ones you were willing to accept. It does't look like it's even addressed on the card now. It looks like the card is just saying no blood in any shape or form.

    I know it says "no major components" but without any further detail, it puts your decision about fractions in a pretty grey area. Without it being spelled out, what prevents your family from stopping doctors from even administering blood fractions or drugs made from blood fractions?

  • apocalypse

    I'll bet I know how JWs are viewed by those in the medical community. I'll bet they say dubs are hypocritical nutters.

    The card says 'no major components according to the bible'. Sure... A verse that says don't eat blood means you cannot transfuse ONLY major components of blood.

    And dubs expect educated medical professionals to take them seriously!

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