Why Do People Loot and Destroy When Someone Gets Shot?
by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends
I think the I don’t think it would bug me so much was just an exaggeration. It’s bad enough they steal whatever they want but they destroy the businesses that are in their own community on top of that. Bone heads.
Thanks for that video. While Scott Walker was governor, I guess they needed their weaves. Makes perfect sense.
You’ve got to hand it to them... they can do all that looting and rioting with their pants half way down to their ankles. Amazing.
Maybe they will pillage a pants store and get some that fit properly?
Totally disgusting how some of the local community use the accidental shooting as a reason to completely defy the law. Looting, shooting guns, fighting, destroying peoples property and no social distancing whatsoever. This guy would not have been shot with anything if he had simply done what the officer asked him to do.
stan livedeath
i'm sure its easy to predict where these riots will occur. Just have the army there ready and waiting.
When the shooting starts, the looting starts?
stan livedeath
another idea--switch off the electricity in those areas. show who's boss.
resolute Bandicoot
"Someone gets shot and or killed and hundreds of people decide to loot and destroy businesses or whatever else is in their path.
What does this do to make things better? I really don’t get how they think it makes things better or solves anything."
- That's what low IQ people do.