John, should we really care about their motivations? Should we sympathize with the looters and law breakers because of how they feel? Rioters who cause destruction deserve no break. I don’t know what’s wrong with you. I don’t care if a rioter had a hard life, came from a broken home, ran out of drugs, is sad about their love life, is depressed because their mother or father isn’t around. Destroy and steal from my business or home and I will never not paint with a wide brush how such rioters are horrible human beings!!!
Why Do People Loot and Destroy When Someone Gets Shot?
by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends
No need to make this personal man ("I don't know what's wrong with you"). We're just having a conversation, and I usually appreciate your perspective. I still do. Let's leave it at that.
The damage is done no matter what, we're on the same page about that. I'm not arguing for clemency.
Why do people loot and destroy? Because they know they can get away with it. When laws are no longer being enforced, chaos rules. Personally, I would love to see those who are supposed to be enforcing the law, and I'm not talking about the police, but those above the police face consequences for their own actions on not doing their job that they were hired for.
Their motivations are probably more complex, which does not change the damage they do.
Their motivations are not really complex.
They have been force-fed a constant diet of victimhood and resentment and that they have been disadvantaged and have a right to "take back what they are owed".
The reality is that their lot in life is almost entirely of their parents and their own making.
Poor life choices lead to poor lives.
Simon, I agree that many of these people think they have a right to steal and destroy. Now it’s a knee jerk reaction and people riot and pillage. A white cop shoots an armed black male and it’s free for all time. Time to burn the city down and grab as many appliances and sneakers as you can. Doing this shows you are genuinely upset with someone dying or getting shot.
Anony Mous
Because that’s what criminals do when you tell them nobody will stop them. These people are criminals on a regular day, when you tell them there won’t be police, they will take advantage.
District attorneys all over the country have decided not to prosecute petty crimes meaning store thefts is no big deal. Rioting and disturbing the peace is no big deal. No wonder these people are emboldened!
They ought to be prosecuted, I agree with you. It's bullshit if people are destroying someone else's property without being held accountable.
Curtis Silwa from NYC is running for mayor. He says he will put a billion back in the police budget. He says these riots and demonstrations along with the destruction would not be tolerated under his authority. The Guardian Angels protected New Yorkers when ordinary folks were petrified to walk the streets.
Criminals seek their own advantage. Theft and mayhem in the guise of righteous anger is not new.