And then wonder why they live in crap neighbourhoods.
Why Do People Loot and Destroy When Someone Gets Shot?
by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends
Why Do People Loot and Destroy When Someone Gets Shot? - only certain groups of people do this.
Certain people, meaning Marxists, race hustlers and other special interest groups.
Terrible things have happened in the world that have offended me greatly - such as those two Scandinavian women who were beheaded by Moroccan Jihadis a couple of years ago. But I never rioted or looted. I vented my anger here and I posted on Facebook, saying I hoped the Moroccan authorities put those men to death, but that's it.
Most people (black, white or brown) are similar - they get offended, maybe have a bit of a rant, then move on with life.
We don't loot or riot.
Antifa and BLM can learn a lot from us.
People get angry and they don't know how else to express it. That's my interpretation of why people sometimes loot after a minority is shot.
Is it a great outlet for anger? No, it accomplishes nothing. Does it make sense? Yeah, unfortunately. They probably want to go after whoever shot another minority in cold blood and can't.
They don’t know how to express their anger??? Give me a break! That sentiment is ludicrous!
They don’t know how to express their anger??? Give me a break! That sentiment is ludicrous! - yeah, I kinda agree.
'If Chauvin doesn't get found guilty of all charges, I'm gonna riot and loot and destroy a whole lotta shit' - says some BLM guy living thousands of miles away in California or London, lol.
Any excuse to:
all in the name of "social and racist justice", and instant "reparations."
It is so they can take away our rights. They play the race card (the shooter is "white" or pretending to be white, the victim is black and usually in the process of committing or threatening to commit a serious crime), so that white people are targeted. Eventually, open season on white people is called, and they will not stop until this process is complete. To them, it is well worth losing a few major cities' worth of businesses, even minority owned ones.
All part of the plan. Ultimately, walmart is standing alone and we all work and live on their terms. Political correctness is strictly enforced, and Noahide Law is in full effect worldwide. Anyone that tries to bypass this is tortured. And, it is all because people donated their energies through that stupid bible and by praying to jesus for this to happen.
Its what they do. Remember that kid shot while breaking into a woman's home to rob her? Her mother or cousin I forget said to the News camera, Ho he posda get he money? He need ta buy things. GET AN FING JOB LOSER.
It's because they are fundamentally criminally inclined opportunists. They don't give a shit about someone being shot, hundred are shot every week by each other, what they do care about is having an excuse to take what isn't theirs and acting as a mob gives them cover.
Remove the constraints of law and order and people show who their true selves are.
They should be shot.
I wonder how many people would need to be shot to put an end to this?
It happens now because they know the police are going to stand back and do nothing and that encourages it. That's why it's become regular as clockwork and expected.
Once it was clear that there was a different response going to happen, people would change their behavior.
I stand by what I said. I think people are more complicated then they've been cast in this thread. I'm not excusing looting or violence after a shooting. I'm only trying to say we can't paint rioters with a broad brush. That's all. Their motivations are probably more complex, which does not change the damage they do.