Being Reinstated

by azl0058 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    Assuming you believe in an all-knowing benevolent god of love, do you really think he/she/it would deny eternal life to someone based on their standing in a certain religious organization?

    I don't think any all-powerful being who would do such thing would be worthy of respect, much less worship.

  • Jeffro


    So my brother recently became df. He has full intentions of being reinstated, but it is going to take at least a year. If the end times occurs while he is df, will he still be allowed in the Kingdom of God?
    He would be best off working out that it’s not actually true so that he doesn’t waste time trying to ‘go back’ (jumping through hoops for the ‘elders’ while being shunned) or carry unnecessary feelings of guilt over made up beliefs. Of course, if he were ‘disfellowshipped’ for an actual crime (rather than nonsense like ‘apostasy’ or for consensual sexual activity) that’s a separate matter. Either way, he’s not going to miss out on any ‘kingdom of God’.
  • Jeffro


    All that we were doing was denying congregation fellowship with the person.
    So, just the part that actually does real harm.
  • Aposta-Fish

    Revelations chapter 20 says they will be judged based on their deeds so according to this it’s not about weather your in a cult or not or baptized or not but about what you have done in your life.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    AZ1008, I was in this religion in the 70's, 80's going "door to door" & I would tell Catholics that WE had the right religion because WE didn't excommunicate. That it was mean, the Bible didn't support it, and at that time, JWs didnt do it.

    Well, that changed, also when many people listened to their friends, their relatives about child sex abuse (CSA) or some ability to question or research and find out what a business money making machine it is, and "woke up" and left.

    WT couldn't have that, and began its history of separating family, labeling people "apostates" like Hitler used the label "Jews" to take land, homes, businesses, money and family" Quite a neat little cult trick.

    Label somebody, and they don't deserve anything!

    You have taken their life, their dignity and their rights.

  • BluesBrother

    To Jeffro.

    I see what you mean , that the denying of fellowship is what does harm, looking at it as we do now. But back in those days when I sat on those committees, the common thinking was that the person was condemned to an eternal death at Armageddon with no hope of salvation unless he got himself reinstated. That was also part of the thought of the original post.

    At that time I reasoned out that God , on the judgement day,would whatsoever he wanted with that individual no matter what we decided.... and that thought comforted me.

    I agree now looking back, the harm we did to families was bad ... just wrong . Sadly I was just a pawn in the game.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    azl0058, regarding your df brother does he have any doubts at all about the WT/JW religion? If he does, and if he knows you don't believe in it (or maybe you do believe in it), you could tell him he can use his df state to read 'apostate literature' and other sources to see if maybe the religion is false, even to see if the Bible is false (such as in regarding to a worldwide flood). Since he is already disfellowshipped they can't do anything further to him (other than block him from being reinstated if they think he has turned apostate). Perhaps he would be willing to read books and articles by evolutionist scientists that present evidence for biological evolution. What do you think about that?

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