Election Post-Mortem

by Simon 133 Replies latest social current

  • FedUpJW

    JFK said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

    Thankfully the American voter engaged in peaceful revolution against politics as usual from BOTH sides of the aisle.

  • NewYork44M
    The anger is a part of the lives of people in mid-America. While Hillary was not personally responsible for that anger, she could never get beyond it. And the African Americans, which appear to have the most to lose with a Trump president, failed her.
  • NewYork44M

    I am anticipating officially designated "pussy grabbing" cars in the NYC subway. I hope I am wrong, but it appears to be open season on bad behavior.

  • OneGenTwoGroups

    Biggest problem is the DNC. They are the least honest in my opinion. Trump overcame the RNC establishment, while Sanders couldn't. My opinion as to why: The RNC is sincerely deluded, the DNC knows they are full of shit hypocrites.

  • Vidiot

    So, will having Trump in office for (at least) the next four years make the child-abuse legal campaign against the Org more or less difficult?

  • Razziel

    If you start thinking of Trump through the same lense as you think of Joe Biden, you might start to understand why his gaffes and foibles didn't stop his appeal to the electorate. These are guys who don't articulate well. You have to look at the overarching message and stop focusing on every word as literal.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I voted for Hillary but now I sending good vibes for Trump, as our next pez. I hope he succeeds and he tones down some of his ideas as undo able and follows good judgement instead after all that is a good politician in my book(do what you gotta do to get the vote and then do what is most practical even if it means not doing what you siad to get the vote.

    I'm hoping anyway. And only grope those that signal they really want it you horny dog!(remember what they did to Bill over the Monica deal and don't slip up).

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    So, will having Trump in office for (at least) the next four years make the child-abuse legal campaign against the Org more or less difficult?

    Sorry Vidiot, I can't see how one would connect to or affect the other.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
  • sparrowdown

    I'm wondering just how many of Trump's campaign promises will actually become reality anyway?

    The Wall for eg? Can't see it happening?

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