28 years

by PLAYGROUND 20 Replies latest social relationships

  • zophar

    It is NOT Jehovah's Witnesses who forgive sin, it is God.

    Instead of talking to elders about this, talk to Jehovah about it. He is the only one who really has authority over you. If there is a God and he is really a God of Love then he understands your situation and the torture you are going through.

    You sound like a person who still believes in God so why don't you entrust yourself to his mercy and leave the rest alone. Your religion only has authority over you if you let it.

  • Giordano
    1. Time for some therapy:

      Consult internet resources to locate an LGBT-affirming therapist. There are many places on the internet to find a list of mental health professionals that can help you, including professional association websites, forums, support group websites and more. Consider the following:
  • Giordano

    I wanted to add a message of support and understanding. From what you told us I think you need to understand how a religion like the JW's is totally inappropriate for a Gay person. But you also need to pull the Gay thing together for your own sake.

    You kind of sound like the Apostle Paul who also carried a burden that was at times too much for him to handle. If you Google 'Was Paul Gay' you will find that many religious writers feel that he was......... based on what he had to say.

    Anyway good luck, hasty or emotional decisions are usually the worse ones. Take your time, get some help.

  • Lieu

    Sins aren't and can't be forgiven by men, unless you sin against someone personally ... and then you go to that person individually and ask for forgiveness; not elders. (They claim not to be like Catholic priests, so no need to "confess" to them.)

    Sin literally means "to offend". According to the Bible, the only offense not forgiven is one against the Holy Spirit.

    If you still believe, ask God for forgiveness. Then you stop your cheating and come clean with I'm guessing your wife. She has a right to go about her business if you're realization on attraction has become manifest.

    It's going to hurt but you have to be YOU and you have to be truthful with your mate. S/he deserves that much.


    I have been separated from my marriage mate for 2 years pretty much. Which doesn't make what I am doing right. I need to come clean and I'm not saying it would happen today or tomorrow but it needs to be soon.

    Thanks all...

  • LisaRose

    The problem is not with you, but with a backwards religion that would not allow you to be who you are. Think about this, would a God of love create you with a sex drive that could not be satisfied by a woman, then expect you to only marry a woman? Why would he do that? Why would you be expected to bear a burden that heterosexual people do not have to bear? You know this is not some choice you made, because why would you choose to be gay as a JW? This is not some weakness, it's just who you are, you didn't choose it any more than you chose the color of your eyes. You know in your heart of hearts that this is true, so allow yourself to accept it and what it means that any religion that would tell you different.

    For your own sanity please research the Watchtower, there are many things they have lied about, history they have covered up. They are not what they claim, never were and couldn't be God's sole channel of communication with mankind. Free yourself and stop living with the guilt.

    I am not gay, but I stayed for twenty eight years in a horrible marriage, because like you I thought I had to do it to please God. I became severely depressed and ruined my health trying to please that very demanding God. It was for nothing, I finally realized that I put this burden on myself, that the Watchtower was just some men who thought they spoke for God but they were no more right than any other religion, less maybe. Just like that I was free, I walked away and have never been happier. I am married to my soul mate and the love of my life. You could have that too.

    If you still want to belong to a church I suggest United Church of Christ, they are fully accepting of gay people. They have no doctrine, so you don't have to believe in trinity or hell fire if that is important to you. They usually have really great music too.

  • kairos

    Just disassociate and move on...

    If you need comfort from the bible, look at John 8:1-11.

    ( just not in the new silver NWT, as they removed it... )

  • FayeDunaway
    I completely agree with Lisa Rose. You were born like this. You've been fighting it your whole life. It sounds like this person who have been with recently is the one for you and you can be happy if you just let yourself be. Please research the religion you were brought up in. Jwfacts is best. United church of Christ would be a good one for you I agree. You need some love and acceptance in yor life and less judgment and guilt. If you have been separated from your wife for two years the news will come more easily for her. This will probably messy yes, with your birth family and kids too maybe. But you are miserable, honey. Suicide isn't the answer. Living as you are meant to live is the answer.
  • sherrie11

    I agree with Lisa rose and Faye. Also jws do not have the truth! Don't be hard on yourself.

    You are only accountable to yourself...

    The sky is not going to fall on you good luck and be encouraged that your not alone.

  • steve2

    Panic often drives people to do extreme things.

    You need to allow yourself time to collect your thoughts. Where did you get the idea that by telling other humans what you've done, you will be helped and healed?

    Surely what you've done is your business - okay, if you have strayed within the confines of a legal arrangement such as marriage or a civil union, you need to stop the lies and deception.

    But - if I am reading you correctly - the main reason you have for turning your life around has little to do with the need for personal honesty and more to do with your belief that the end is near and you need people's approval - especially JW elders. In that regard, you are no different than people in other religious groups who want to clean up their act to save their skins.

    I could tell you to grow up and act like a man - but I will leave that choice bit of advice to others to explain.

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