To me it means "outside of time" (not "infinite time" - that's another concept).
The concept of time plays a role that few regard as important or even relevant (as evidenced above), but it so permeates everything in this Universe that it goes unnoticed for it’s true character…. not of past and present… but of existance itself.
All objects assimilate themselves - to themselves in successive moments of their existance. In effect, they cause themselves to stay in existence by their own harmonious assimilation process (as opposed to just dissapearing into nothing). It could be argued that all objects are their own time peieces… however this is wrong thinking.
The use of the word “time” is misleading, for there has never been a word to describe it properly (other than Jehovah’s own name I suppose). This is what prompted God to state, “I am that I am” at Exodus 3:14. (In my opinion, the New World Translation completely misses the point here!)
As an interesting side note, whilst getting ready to submit this post, an impulse in my brain fired and brought back a dream I had many years ago* whereby I was writing this post to you now…. about this very subject. (I dream a lot… so much so, I wake up feeling like I never slept).
* The perception was actually then and now were the same - in effect my argument.