In a different discussion another poster made a popularly accepted statement about the religious foundation of the United States
"Some say that our nation has never been a Christian nation, but I think history shows that it has been, from the start." borgfree
Yes, from the start the founders of this country were, for the most part, Christian. But few are aware of an enormous conflict between two factions of the founding fathers that set the stage for many issues now being debated.
Appointment of a conservative Christian to the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Reproductive Health & Drugs Advisory Committee. ,
The Christian protests over the removal of the Ten Commandments from a public Judiciary building in Alabama
Prayer in Public Schools, to name a few.
Just in case anyone wants to discuss this I will simply throw out a statement of fact, although controversial, and see what happens.
The framers of the constitution were very much influenced by hermetic-Rosicrucian-Masonic enlightenment. Hermitic teachings were at the root of modern thinking in England, France and Italy during the centuries the US was being colonized. The resulting esoteric western traditions molded important concepts found in the US Constitution. One of them is separation of Church and State. It appears that the writers intended for the church to stay out of government and the government to stay out of the church.
The Puritan influence was totally opposite. The Puritans were of the Calvinist thought. Calvin we may admire as one who stood up to the Catholic Church, but then became the tyrant of Geneva, executing anyone who disagreed with him. So these Calvinists got control of England under Oliver Cromwell but were so religiously intolerant they were run out of England. They joined other Puritans here in the US who had arrived in 1620, shortly after the Pilgrims. (The Pilgrims are the folks who came here for religious freedom. The Puritans were driven here because of their intolerance of religious freedom) Remember the old Massachusetts law against celebrating Christmas, the hanging of witches and Ethan Allen conquering in the name of the Great God Jehovah? These religious fanatics hoped to establish a “Theocracy” in America but the wiser majority prevented this although it took an amendment, the first, to clearly establish separation of church and state.
While some may still argue that this is a Christian nation by design it is NOT A CHRISTIAN GOVERNMENT. The attempt at that failed over 200 years ago.
What we have today is the same conflict, Puritan-Calvinistic fundamentalism trying to meddle with a govenment that constitutionally must have nothing to do with religion, including Christianity. If we give in to their demands on abortion, birth control, euthanasia, display of the Ten Commandments, school prayer and other issues then we will have to also accommodate the Islamic fundamentalists as well as the Jewish fundamentalists and any other flaky religious group like Jehovah's Witnesses.
What do you think?