Is Judge Roy Moore CONGRESS?
The 14th amendment of the constitution brought all civil rights (and government restrictions) to the state and local level... therefore the phrase "congress" now refers to any government entity or official.
Did Judge Roy Moore MAKE ANY LAW ABOUT RELIGION? He is a civil magistrate who is attempting to convince the public that US law is based on the 10 commandments. This is a direct circumvention of the separation of power, which grants only congress the right to establish laws. A judge can only interpret law.
Did Judge Roy Moore ESTABLISH ANY NATIONAL OR STATE RELIGION? He is trying to use the government to show favoritism to his faith. (See #1, and #2)
Did Judge Roy Moore PROHIBIT ANYONE FROM HAVING FREE EXERCISE OF THEIR RELIGION? He is attempting to. By stating that American law is founded on Christian principals and the laws within the ten commandments, he is attempting to create a theocracy in which non-Christians will by default be excluded from rights and privileges that the Christians would have access to... not to mention encouraging persecution.
But, think about this:
The Federal Judge that ruled against Roy Moore DID prohibit Roy Moore's free exercise of his religion. No one stopped him from reading his bible, no one stopped him from praying, no one stopped him from going to church, no one stopped him from telling people about his faith, no one stopped him from engaging in his religious rituals... the federal judge stopped him from imposing his faith on the public... for posting laws which stated things such as "Thou shalt have no other gods before me"... which is making an establishment of religion and discriminates against people who are not of Judeo-Christian faith.
So, it was the Federal Judge who MADE A LAW AGAINST what the Constitution is supposed to GUARANTEE for ALL AMERICANS. The federal judge stopped an agent of the government from making an establishment of religion... he has never stopped Moore from worshiping in his private affairs.
So, basically the Federal Judge is saying that State Judges CANNOT even acknowledge God. The judge has not been forced to not acknowledge his god. As far as I can see, he is talking about his god on tv every chance he gets. What the federal judge prevented him from doing is use his position and the resources of his position to make an establishment of religion.
If that is the case, then WHY does our money say "IN GOD WE TRUST"?
This was added to all US currency during the 1950's as a knee-jerk reaction to the communist scare. A few coins did have this phrase on it starting during the civil war, but it was not common. The phrase was added to the coins during the civil war because an official was afraid that the union was about to be dissolved and he did not want future historians to think that the US was a purely atheist country. The term "GOD" does not explicitly refer to the Christian deity... the courts have allowed it to stand because it can be interpreted in many ways... an atheist could interpret it as referring to the universe as a whole, excluding any supernatural deities.
Why do people testifying in Court swear on THE BIBLE? This is a tradition for some people, but not a requirement.
Why does the Constitution say "All men are CREATED equal"?
It speaks in ambiguous terms... "created"... so that it can be open to interpretation. Even an atheist evolutionist could agree with this... men created by evolution. It does not say that men are created by an all-powerful supernatural deity.
Why does the Supreme Court building have the TEN COMMANDMENTS on it?It was placed there before America was as diversified as it is now, so very few people thought anything of it. To remove it now would require a construction crew to make major changes to an old and respected land mark... something few people are willing to do.
It is very clear that you have ulterior motives in your questions... motives to establish Christianity as the official religion of America... or at least place it in a superior position to others granting it special rights and privileges. Sure, you may be willing to "tolerate" other religions... so long as they are second only to Christianity and "know they place" in the public. This is not true freedom of religion. For freedom of religion to exist, all religions must be guaranteed the same rights... which also means that the government must remain neutral in all religious matters, neither establishing or restricting free exercise thereof.