So then whats the answer? You realize that relgious imagery is everywhere, not just christain but pagan. Are we going to need to strip all references of relgion from our public buildings? If we just strip some but not all, who decieds what stays and what goes? Are we going to become like JW's who will not use the word luck becuase its orgin was pagan?
Seems to me like alot of people are overeacting. I not relgious but I am not anti-relgious either and I have trouble seeing how a statue of the ten commandments could be interpreted as some form of state sanctioned relgion. If moore was using the ten commandments as a law reference, then yes I see a problem; but it is just some statue so I dont see a problem. I mean are the statues of pagan gods in the supreme court indicitive of the supreme court attempting to force paganism on us all? The watchtower would think so. I think to many people get to worked up about this issue. And the way the country is acting is displaying some brooklyn like behavior IMHO.