In the world today (especially in America) we believe that we can do what ever we want or will to do, but God still rules the universe, and according to his word there are some things that we can not do. Unless God wills! I thought I might list a few things that (unaided by or apart from God) we can not do. 1) We can not seek God. Romans 3:11 2) We can not do good. Romans 3:12 Psalm 14:3 3) We can not come to Christ. John 6:44, 65 4) We can not hear his word. John 8:43,47 5) We can not receive the Comforter or Spirit of truth. John 14:17 6) We can not receive the teaching of the Holy Ghost. 1Corinthians 2:14 7) We can not submit to God's law. Romans 8:7 8) We can not please God. Romans 8:8 9) We can not cease from sin. Romans 7:19 10) We can not say that Jesus is the Lord. 1Corinthians 12:3 We may not like it but, without God we have no hope! I know there are more. Can you think of any? Deputy Dog
(unaided by God)Things we can not do!
by Deputy Dog 51 Replies latest watchtower bible
Phantom Stranger
Sorry... where did you read this stuff again?
There is no god, preacher. Get used to it.
I don't share your sentiments and although my beliefs are pretty mixed up right now When I read the Bible I see it the other way..If you have faith the size of a mustard grain you can move a mountain...and if the bible don't do it for ya what about the little engine..I think I can...My daughter loves that one.
When I think of things I can not do, its more in the lines of making family and friends see the WTBTS as a self appointed fraud.
Phantom Stranger
I'll go along with almost every item there as being a null comment to me, given that I decided long ago that I would accept death as the price for not kissing God's holy ass... but I cannot do good? That's the sort of ... tripe (that's for simon:) that makes religions repellent for so many.
Let's assume for a moment, for the sake of discussion, that we were created by a divine being. Did that divine being create us in such a way that we can do no good at all in our lives without being on the divine payroll? Merde.
We can do good - we can make a difference - we are amazing, powerful, incredible beings. We do not need to be enabled by an old white guy with a beard. The sooner we take responsiblity for actually doing good, the better off everyone on this ball of dirt will be.
Are you serious? That list sounds a little too JW for my taste.
I do still believe in god, but in my own way. I am not sure he is a personal type god or just a higher power or energy. The list is retarded.
I disagree.
We can indeed "do good". There's far too many agnostics, atheists, and various other non-christians out there proving you wrong every day.
The question is, whose god do we follow? That's the whole issue I and many others here have with religion. The Bible is an instrument of control used by men to tell other men how to live, and usually the subject of money comes in there somewhere too.
** Sigh **
I hate it when a Christian opens his mouth an reveals just how arrogant and intolerant a Christian can be... it makes all the rest look real bad.
There are more paths to inner peace and happiness than just the bible and the Christian god. Keep in mind... the Christian god is a "jealous" god... a fruitage of the flesh.
Deputy Dog
Everyone Please feel free to disagree. But realize this, I'm just quoting the Bible. Is anyone looking up the scriptures? I didn't say these things God did!
Phantom Stranger
I think the point we're making is this:
Long version: each "Bible-based" religion has to determine which of "God's words" are accepted as such, which are determined to be someone else's, and which were God's words at one point and now are not (such as most of the OT). Most here are saying they don't buy that.
Short version: He did not!
Aside: Are we being trolled?