Run, Sir Clark, Run...

by teejay 95 Replies latest social current

  • Swickley

    Teejay -- ditto to all that. Clinton would win IF the actual votes are not tampered with by high tech fraud (see: Since the Republicans can't seem to win without "stealing" votes (e.g., Florida), illegal gerrymandering (e.g., Texas), or unethical recalls (e.g., California), I predict (if they haven't already done so) that stealing votes via electronic fraud will be their next venue.

  • DakotaRed
    "Sending people to their deaths" is what people do who are in the military business. Not the same as a draft-dodging president who talks as if he's the sheriff in a small Old West town.

    Draft Dodging President? Wasn't that your boy Clinton? Bushes military time may not have been the best, but at least he was in, not dodging it. As for Air National Guard not seeing combat, sorry, but I met up with quite a few members of the National Guard called to active duty in the 'Nam. Had Bush been called to active duty and ran, he too would be facing my scorn today. That he apparently was AWOL for a period, doesn't set well with me, but then again, I was too at times, mainly to see women in "the Ville."

    As for Clark, yes, he sent people off to death. But, my point, is that if he were a Republican candidate, having sent people off to death would draw many attacks against him today. When Clinton ordered the bombing of an aspirin factory and killed innocent civilians, it drew very little criticism. When Bush continued and enlarged upon what Clinton and his Father started, he has been met by some of the worst attacks and criticism I have ever seen, even more than was leveled at Johnson (D. Texas) and Nixon (R. Ca,) during Vietnam.

    As for how I vote, it takes a great deal more than just being eloquent speaker to garner my support, regardless of party. A few decades ago, a political leader was also a very eloquent speaker and led his whole nation into WW2. Hitler's eloquency is a matter of record today. I look into a person's current claims of what he will do and take it with a grain of salt, politicians not being noted for their extreme honesty, also regardless of party. I also look to their record of what they have been doing all along and Clark's looks dismal to me. I especially appreciated the NATO British General's comment that he wouldn't help Clark start World War III.

    Vote for whoever you choose, but know who you're voting for. Otherwise, you may be ending up out of the frying pan and into the fire.

  • teejay

    >>>>><i>Draft Dodging President? Wasn't that your boy Clinton? </i>

    You're right, Dakota. My bad. I can be such a doofus.

    I agree with you that when it comes to certain topics, people tend to have a bias that will not be swayed by even the strongest evidence that conflicts with their point of view. It is a human trait that is not going to change. For them, it will be "my country / religion / preacher, right or wrong" and damn to the fires of perdition any and all that take an opposing view. I work very hard at not being one of those kind of people.

    Until now, I've never really had much interest in politics, athough I admit that I was moved by Reagan's vision and unashamed love of his country. As I said... little interest until now. Call me a sissy if you like, Dakota, but for the first time in my life I am increasingly afraid of the future. On 9/11 civilization took a serious turn for the worst and, now that I have offspring, I worry about the future and who is chosen to lead us safely into and through it.

    Like you, I'm looking for more than an eloquent speaker. People who try to act like a sheriff in an Old West movie don't do much for me, either. I've tried to look at Bush objectively just as I did with Clinton. Like you, I look to their works more than to their words. I have considered Bush's record since taking office, and I believe it speaks loud and clear that he is not the right man for the job.

    If what the British commander said -- that he wouldn't help Clark start WW III -- is the worse that can be said about General Clark, then that's a good thing, I think. The more I read about him, the more substance I see. I could be wrong and my opinion may change, but right now, with what I know of him, I honestly think that he is the right person at the right time.


    Four years later, the general went to war against [Milosevic] after the failure of diplomacy to drive the Serbs out of Kosovo. By this time, he had spent "dozens and dozens and dozens" of hours with Milosevic during the negotiations in Dayton of the accord that ended the war in Bosnia, and then in all the fruitless negotiations thereafter.

    He knew him; in fact, as he says, "I'm probably unique among twentieth-century commanders, in that I really knew the person I was fighting. So I knew what it would take to beat him, personally. And I knew he was watching me. I knew he watched every briefing. He looked at me to see if I was tired. He looked at me to see if I was discouraged. We were engaged in a war of the mind. Once the fighting started, though, it was a simple straight-line equation. The plan was to gain escalation dominance. Avoid anything that might suggest to Milosevic that the campaign was about to be ended and ratchet up the intensity step-by-step until you broke his will. He wasn't a tough guy. You know what kind of guy he was? He was the kind of guy who said he didn't play sports because his mother wouldn't let him. He was a wuss! He had these . . . soft, puffy white hands."

  • xjw_b12

    teejay You called it.

  • teejay


    I hate to be the one to give it up to myself, but I predicted Dean, too.

    I must say, though, that I like The General even better. Like I say... SWEET!

  • SixofNine
    As for how I vote, it takes a great deal more than just being eloquent speaker to garner my support, regardless of party. A few decades ago, a political leader was also a very eloquent speaker and led his whole nation into WW2. Hitler's eloquency is a matter of record today. I look into a person's current claims of what he will do and take it with a grain of salt, politicians not being noted for their extreme honesty, also regardless of party. I also look to their record of what they have been doing all along and Clark's looks dismal to me. I especially appreciated the NATO British General's comment that he wouldn't help Clark start World War III.

    lol, nice attack on eloquence Dakota. Was there a purpose to that paragraph, or just mental political masturbation?

    Vote for Bush, he talk like a dumbass, but he make iraqi smart fro shuh!

    A vote for George Bush is a vote against Hitler. Won't you vote Bush, for the Jewish babies? *earnestly*

  • joannadandy

    I have to agree...I am totally in love with Clark...which surprised me. He just seems totally well-rounded and intelligent. He doesn't seem as trigger happy as our current president.

    I would be very excited to see him on the ballot.

    As for Dean--he fills me with feelings of luke-warmness. I like some of what he says, but sometimes he strikes me as a big talker who is more interested in hearing himself talk than saying anything of substance.

    However--I dislike Bush so much, I'll vote for anything that has a shot of beating him.

  • joannadandy

    LOL Six!! When I grow up I wanna be just like you! (Shaved head and all!!)

    Dakota--you always ALWAYS bring up republican and democrat. Do you really think people vote that strongly down party lines? Granted I think some people do...but I think the majority of people, I would hope, give it serious thought.

    When you talk like this it makes me think YOU only vote Republican. I have voted for plenty of Republicans on a local level because I thought they were the "right" ones for the job. I have also voted for a majority of Independent and Green party memembers.

    It really irks me when people assume any opinion I have is made large based upon my preference for a donkey or an elephant.

    Am I inclined to agree with Democrats. Sure, most of them tell me what I like to hear, but it is within the realm of possibility that I take a fancy to a qualified Republican.

    I am sick of this party-line crap!

  • teejay

    Just one more reason why I like you, Jo!! :D

  • DakotaRed

    My apologies for voting according to my own conscience. How dare me think for myself and get out of step with the elite. Thank you for opening my eyes. I will just accept whatever I am told by the left until the proper understanding is given me.

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