Run, Sir Clark, Run...

by teejay 95 Replies latest social current

  • Aztec

    I agree with Dakota on two things: 1) NAFTA was a bad idea! I got really sick of seeing alot of jobs from my hometown of Flint and adopted hometown of Detroit get shifted elsewhere. I'm not entirely pro-union as I think it's lost some of it's impetus and caused some workers to become lazy. I'm never 100% anything. I knew of workers who went to the bar on lunches that lasted for hours and did very little work while on the clock. Still, I knew people (union workers) who worked their butts off only to lose their jobs due to downsizing. See anything wrong with this picture? 2) America lost a lot of standing in the world's opinion far before Bush took office. I read an article in, I think, Time magazine that spoke of the way we were viewed while Clinton was still in office. Some of it, I think, was due to American's "me first" attitude and some due to jealousy. We were the big mighty economic power at the time. Some of it was also due to Clinton's rather pushy foreign policy. America had a bad rep and alot of it was what led up to 9-11. I think Clinton is far more to blame for that day than Bush!

    Here is where I agree with ya Teej: I think Clark is an excellent candidate! The fact that he has no prior poliitcal experience works more for him than against him in my book. Career politicians irk me a bit. Being a politician is supposed to make you a servant of the people. I think most modern politicians have lost sight of that. They are looking at it in a personal gain way and want to push the agenda of their contrubuters...sad really. Much continued success to Clark! I still like Kucinech (sp?) but I am really hoping that someone has the balls to take on Bush. I think he's a horrid president and I want him out as he's becoming a major threat to our national security. I'm not a Democrat and never will be. I vote my conscience all the time. I voted for John McCain in the Michigan Republican primary and would have chosen him vs. Al Gore. When faced with Bush vs. Gore I chose Nadar. Yeah I'm an independant! Proud of it too!

    I agree with Jo! I vote for people not parties! Here's hoping you all do the same!

    Sixy, I love ya ya nut...LOL! *shakes head*


  • jelly

    I am waiting for him to actually state what his plans would be before I form an opinion of the man. So far, Clark has only said four things, 1) he might have voted for the war in Iraq, 2) he would not have voted for the war in Iraq, 3) he is for jobs and education (risky position he is taking here) 4) Bush sucks.

    Therefore, until he actually starts detailing a plan I cannot take his candidacy seriously. Interestingly enough Clark at first wanted to run republican, Carl Rove dis’d him so that’s why he is running democrat. It will be interesting to see what Clark’s positions really are; he could be a moderate. For now I am sticking to Lieberman as the only Democrat that can win. Of course he will not get the democratic party nomination because he is a centrist and supports the president in Iraq.


  • DakotaRed
    Did Clark's accomplishments and appointments evoke feelings of resentment, bitterness and envy in Shelton?

    Feel free to list the "accomplishments" that bettered the country. As for appointments, I fail to see where the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would be jealous of the appointment of one of his underlings who was ultimately fired by the President.

  • DakotaRed
    But even when he said it, it (the phrase) wasn't really a good reason not to elect the man president, was it?

    Not by itself, but coupled with justifying the bombing of the Chinese Embassy, a Civilian TV Broadcast station, a refugee train and grossly underestimating the opposing force might, since Bush is also held to that standard.

    I especially enjoyed the excuse given of he was new to the campaign and needed time to formulate his views on certain matters. Shouldn't someone running for the highest office in the land already have views formulated, before jumping in?

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    The fact that he has no prior poliitcal experience works more for him than against him in my book

    So it's good for clark but bad for Arnie I know you didn't say that Aztec but it was said on another thread.

  • Vita Nuova
    Vita Nuova

    Wes Clark, a serious demoratic candidate for President? Well, maybe he is serious about his run, but how serious of a Democrat can you be when you're quoted in Newsweek (not exactly a nest of conservative opinion) as saying, "I would have been a Republican if Karl Rove had returned my phone calls." Anyway, for developing evidence of his bipolar and tenuous credibility, check out the latest on Sir Wes at Drudge:

  • Aztec

    Actually Stacy, I think Arnold might make a decent governor. I say give him a shot! Can't do much worse than what's in there now...LOL!

    *Wonders why Dakota hasn't responded to her post*


  • teejay
    I agree with Dakota on two things: 1) NAFTA was a bad idea! 2) America lost a lot of standing in the world's opinion far before Bush took office.


    1. General Clark had nothing to do with NAFTA but let’s blame him for it anyway, won’t to?

    2. The U.S. may have lost a bit of the world’s opinion while Clinton was in office but not because they thought the president was an egomaniacal idiot with a god complex like they do now. I get embarassed for us every time I see the man standing before a global body of world leaders like he did yesterday at the U.N.

  • DakotaRed

    Wonders why Dakota hasn't responded to her post

    Why? Because I really didn't see much to respond to. You wrote a real good post and didn't really ask any questions. Voting your conscience is what I wish all would do, after really looking into their choice of candidates.

    Some have said that Clark has "no skeletons," but that just isn't true. Everyone has skeletons. What concerns me more with Clark over others is those wanting to oust Bush and replace him with CLark just may be jumping from the frying pan into the fire. As I have shown, Clark grossly miscalculated his opponents in Kosovo and after six years, we are still there and that region is not yet totally stabilized. Yes, he was ousted from there, but it was his planning and execution that has set it up as it is now.

    Generals have a habit of demanding allegiance and barking orders and having them immediately followed. Many of his subordinates at NATO refer to him as "the Supreme Being." A President must gain the confidence and approval of Congress to do most things. Historically, the handful of Generals who went on to be President haven't faired all that well.

    Clark can't seem to make up his mind on matters. He probably would have supported and voted for action against Iraq, but wait, there's no way he would have voted for it. He says he is not a Military man, but goes on to say he spent 34 years in the Military and that is what he knows. His "positions" are vague and unsubstantive. His birth father was Jewish, but he was raised a Protestant (I believe). Since he discovered his birth history, he is Jewish when it suits and whatever the rest of the time, as the crowd seems to want.

    Even if I disagree with a candidates position on matters, I do respect and appreciate one who has definite values and takes a stand on what they feel is important, but not for those who pander to the crowd to gain votes, regardless of party affiliation.

  • SixofNine

    I am writing this not only to let General Clark know that he has my support, but to let whom ever reads this understand what makes Wes Clark tick. I have known General Clark professionally since he was a Major in Bamberg Germany and I was a Staff Sergeant. I had the privilege to serve with him two more times at Ft Carson Colorado when he was a Brigade XO and then when he was a Battalion Commander. The man is a brilliant leader! He does not make rash decisions. He checks out every option. He listens to his subordinates but asks them the hard questions and then checks out his options again. He is a true professional. If he was in the White House the American public would feel secure in knowing that the decisions he would make would have their best interests in mind. He is a true patriot! What he does and what he says is how he feels about this country and the future of it. He will think about the little guy just as he used to think about the young soldier in that tank engaging the enemy, and what that soldier would have to deal with because of his decision. Wes Clark is the right man for the job!

    Chuck Smith

    Command Sergeant Major - Army

    City - Clay Center, Kansas

    I served with the 4th Sqdn 7th Cavalry Regiment of the 3rd AD as an Artillery Forward Observer in Desert Storm. The most memorable event of that campaign for me was being stationed 9 miles outside of Basra while 20,000 Shiites were being massacred by Sadaam Hussein. No orders we given to assist them or to stop Hussein's forces. I was very disappointed. It occurred to me that we had somehow been mislead. I had the impression that we were supposed to be fighting for freedom and democracy. We essentially sacrificed our ideals for political expediency. If we had been true to what we are supposed to stand for we would not have turned our backs on those Iraqi's we encouraged to rise up against Hussein. I don't think they have forgotten how we sold them out. I want a president who fights the next war for the right reasons and honors his promises. I think Wesley Clark could be that man.

    Mark Andros, Spec. 4

    U.S. Army

    Middletown, Maryland


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