Run, Sir Clark, Run...

by teejay 95 Replies latest social current

  • Yerusalyim

    I hear tale that a lot of the guys that used to work for Clark will be coming out against him...I certainly had no use for him when he was the United States Army Europe Commander...even less now...he got caught fibing on TV already when he was working for the Commie News Network (CNN)

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Now see, if I called Fox News the "Fascists On Xanax" News network, I'd get flamed.

  • teejay
    Well folks, we're just days from "Mission Accomplished" on the draft front, and already... the General is showing astonishing momentum. According to a new CNN poll, the General is now ahead of all Democrats -- with support from a stunning 22% of those polled (no one else is above 13%).

    And, most exciting of all -- he is even ahead of President Bush himself, by 49% to 46%.

    For more details, please see the new, official "Clark for President" site, at:

  • DakotaRed

    Teejay, all day today, the news was reporting he was even with Bush. However, with him not taking part in any debates and having stumbled on some positions, I find these rapid numbers a bit suspect. We'll have to wait and see what the other Democrat candidates have to say. What really counts is next November.

    My gut still thinks Hillary is going to jump in if she thinks she can beat Bush this time, otherwise, she'll wait til 2008. Bill seems to be pushing her towards this time around. Only time will tell.

    It ain't over til it's over, though. This next year ought to prove interesting.

  • teejay

    >>>> with him not taking part in any debates and having stumbled on some positions, I find these rapid numbers a bit suspect.


    Have you heard him speak? Or seen him interviewed?

    I defy you to read the text of his campaign announcement ( and not feel SOMETHING. The man is the real deal.

  • DakotaRed

    As to whether or not he is the "real deal," Teejay, I'll reserve judgement on that. Yes, I've heard him speak and quite frankly, I'm not all that impressed. First, he says he would have probably voted for war with Iraq, then the next day, says no way would he have voted for it.

    He says the White House pressured him to link Saddam to 9-11, then a couple weeks later when pressed on it, admits it was some offshore "think tank" and writes a letter to the New York Times admitting the White House never said anything to him, but goes on to say he heard they were doing just that.

    I also wonder what his intentions are in Kosovo, or did everyone forget we still have troops there and I see no exit strategy there either. We also can't forget that it was Clinton who fired him either. Nor can we forget that he wanted to attack the Russians that were occupying the airport in Kosovo, after the main fighting there was over. That very well could have resulted in a messier war than we are entailed in right now.

    Although a Bush supporter myself, I still see Dean as the best shot the Democrats have out of the 10 candidates running. Don't just look at what he says today, words are cheap for any candidate. Look to what they have done in the past. Don't forget, one of the most charismatic speakers of the 20th Century led Germany into World War 2.

    In time, though, we will see how he really stacks up against the others and whether or not Hillary jumps in.

  • SixofNine
    I'm not all that impressed.

    But you're worried, aintcha? lol.

    10 more points to you for linking Wesley Clarke with Hitler, btw.

  • DakotaRed

    Six, I'm not the least bit worried. It appears it's ya'll who are worried and parading around Clark without even looking into who he really is.

    After all the Bush bashing that's been going on for many months, it seems there is a hands off attitude towards Clark. Hate to pop the bubble, but, as far as I know, he has neither been knighted by the Queen or taken over for God, he is just another Politician wannabe.

    As for the extra 10 points, thanks anyways, but I don't need them. My comment was towards all eloquent speakers who can mislead the masses, when the masses bury their heads in the sand. But, there is a Bristish General who might think it appropriate, General Sir Mike Jackson, commander of the international K-For peacekeeping force who reportedly said to Clark, "I'm not going to start the third world war for you."

    Is there a reason Clark can't stand up to a little critical investigating?

  • SixofNine
    he has neither been knighted by the Queen or taken over for God

    Talk about sticking your head in the sand! I hate to have to inform you that you're wrong on both counts.

    My comment was towards all eloquent speakers who can mislead the masses,

    Your comment was stupid and the ramblings of an insane partisan. Choose sanity.

  • gumby

    This is Steve Martin playin a sick joke!

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