Past lives?

by Lutece 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Robdar

    Sounds like entertainment for people that have money to blow.

    My, Prop, feeling judgmental today? You can read books on how to do it, buy tapes on how to do it or do as I did: have a friend that is a hypnotist and play around with them. If interested, there are any number of ways to do what you want to do without blowing a large amount of cash.

    Ballistic, it is scarey, isn't it? I am sure that there is a rational explanation.


  • peacefulpete

    DeJa vu is the reult of our brains seeking patterns to associate. Our minds work as story writing machines creating narratives that often include details not actually presently experienced but pulled from the memory. Deja vu is the sensation that occurs when our conscious mind catches itself doing normally subconscious association. Some peoples minds experience this more often than others. These are the Shirely Mclains of the world.

  • Lutece

    I agree Robdar, it's interesting but should be for entertainment only. I would love for it to prove we move on and keep living, etc. but that's only because of experiences with visions of my brother after he died. He appeared in various forms to everyone close to him and I get interested in finding out what's out there. I was a "strong" witness when he died and denied all experiences as being demon driven. After I started pulling away from the witnesses, I started to feel bad that I may have misinterpreted things as being evil when it was meant to comfort or just say goodbye. It doesn't matter much though, we'll all find out in our own due time. I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced this regression stuff and what stories came out of their heads. It sounds fascinating, but kind of scary now. Considering I would never think of doing something like this as a witness makes it even more appealing for me. I love to learn and experience new things.

    Too much time on our hands? Ha ha, I'm very good at time management. I have to be. I'm a newspaper columnist, reporter, food writer (look for my latest this month in France Today on Alsatian cuisine), mother of two children and one's a teenager! I'm also a web designer and am writing a cookbook. For fun, I produce community tv shows, one to coincide with my column about the internet called "Get Wired" and the other is in production as we speak called "Gourmates". It's about gourmet food and dating. I get on this forum and whip out a few posts, scan through the rest and pop over to a few other boards I like to visit and then it's time to make lunch for the kiddos. :) Never a dull moment and this subject is bound to help me in the creative department!

  • Robdar


    I hope that I did not discourage you from examining the possibilities of past lives and what happens when we die. Even though I feel that past life regression is for entertainment purposes only, I do think that we can learn alot from our subconsious by doing it. Since the brain uses symbology, in an effort to understand its symbology, we become better acquainted with ourselves and become more creative. It sounds as if you are very creative already.

    He appeared in various forms to everyone close to him and I get interested in finding out what's out there. I was a "strong" witness when he died and denied all experiences as being demon driven. After I started pulling away from the witnesses, I started to feel bad that I may have misinterpreted things as being evil when it was meant to comfort or just say goodbye.

    I have had these experiences also. I, at first, dismissed them but could not continue to do so. I decided to open my mind. By examining other possibilities I became free from the tower. It has been an amazing journey. I wish you well on yours.



  • Satanus

    I read of an experiment where rats were allowed to learn a maze. Their reward was food, of course. When a new batch of rats were subjected to the same learning test, they learned it quicker than the previous group. One theory put forth as the reason for this speed up was that the energy stored up in the maze by the previous group helped the new ones learn faster. If this theory holds any water, then previous wars or whatever could charge up their environs, and affect other people later on.


  • SanFranciscoJim

    I used to have a next door neighbor when I lived in the Caribbean many years ago who believed in past lives and hypnotic regression. He has one of the most fascinating stories I have ever heard.

    Seems he was seeing a hypnotic regressionist on a regular basis when an older woman walked into the hypnotist's office for her first appointment. The hypnotist invited them to regress together, whereupon they discovered that they had been brother and sister in a previous life. After the session, the two started dating, fell in love, and eventually married, because they felt that they should spend this lifetime together as well. He was 20 years old. She was 55.

    They stayed married for over 30 years until she died of old age.

  • Satanus


    It could have been a clever plan by the hypnotist to get the old lady married off. Just a thought. He's in a position to pull it off;)


  • Ravyn2

    since no double posts, here is my experience with past life memories:


  • Sir Paul
    Sir Paul

    All the way back to the court of Pharaoh, eh?

    Bah.. I was Pharaoh! Never met Cleo though... she was AFTER my time! LOLOL

  • arancia

    I do not understand why some body want to know more about past lives ?there is not answer,becouse there is not such a thing.It is wonderful to know from the Bible that when we die it is all over for the time been. Resurrection is my big hope it is God s` promise. I am happy with my present life,why worried for the past lives ? what a waste of time in impossible aswer.God is providing all of us with more informations about that,why wasting yor time and peace.?

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