I'm in a bit of a state at the moment, my wife has just left me about 30 mins ago and took the kids...I don't know where...
OK, some of you long-timers may remember the problems I had with my son Ben, who decided that the JW religion wasn't for him about a year ago. I supported him as best I could through that and he's developed into a fine young man with a more healthy spiritual attitude, investigationg a number of Christian Churches in the area and finally settled on Church of England, which he really likes now.
Although no longer a Christian myself I have no objection to them pursuing whatever religious path they choose (obviously within reason). That has been the case with all of my children: Ben, 15, Charlotte, 14 and Chloe, 12. I have NEVER attempted to stop my wife taking them to the meetings although I have voiced to them privately my concerns about the religion. But I have had nowhere near the input into their spiritual development that my wife has.
She is a devout JW and this morning things came to a head. Charlotte has for some time been expressing to me that she doesn't believe the JW religion is the Truth anymore and really hates going. This morning, out of the blue, she told her mum that she will not go to anymore meetings. My wife got really angry. She was screaming and shouting at Charlotte, physically forcing her to get changed for the meeting, and shouting at me for 'killing the children' and how much of a bad father I was and she hated me.
I didn't know what to do
Eventually I could see that Charlotte was getting really distressed so I stepped in and told my wife that it was OK to take Cahrlotte to the meetings if she could be pursuaded through normal means but I was not going to allow her to be bullied, either through emotional blackmail or physical intervention.
My wife went ballistic and told me that if I didn't back down she would take legel action against me! She told me she had been recording things, writing them down!! (I don't know what). She was going to get me kicked out of the house.
Anyway, I stayed as calm as I could for the kids, I didn't even raise my voice even though my wife was screaming at me.
But I stuck to my guns and said that I would not let her force the children to go to a place they hated day after day week after week.
So she grabbed the girls, who were sobbing, and left in the car. Charlotte didn't even have any shoes on...
I haven't a clue where she's gone (I'm hoping her JW mother's), I didn't dare physically intervene, I just don't know where I stand on this and didn't want to make things worse.
So I'm left shaking and bewildered in an empty house wondering what the hell is going to happen and I don't know what to do.