OOPS... didn't read all of the posts... but here's my two cents worth... I think you should take the opportunity to get advice ASAP! Don't delay Dean... it will cost you big time.. your wife has already declared her intentions... and if you don't do something soon, she's gonna screw you over big time...
I'll leave my comments below... in case there's something of value there...
*** My wife got really angry. She was screaming and shouting at Charlotte, physically forcing her to get changed for the meeting, and shouting at me for 'killing the children' and how much of a bad father I was and she hated me. ***
Well, this is abuse... it's abuse of the children and of you in front of the children... she is the one who is unreasonable.. and it's my guess that she's getting advice on the matter outside of the home....
***Eventually I could see that Charlotte was getting really distressed so I stepped in and told my wife that it was OK to take Cahrlotte to the meetings if she could be pursuaded through normal means but I was not going to allow her to be bullied, either through emotional blackmail or physical intervention. ***
You were protecting your children, and you need to make sure that someone in a position of authority outside of your marriage knows this and soon (I suggest child protection services)... you are already behind the 8 ball in WT terms... which means... your wife and her elders have been working on this problem already.
***My wife went ballistic and told me that if I didn't back down she would take legel action against me! She told me she had been recording things, writing them down!! (I don't know what). She was going to get me kicked out of the house.***
I don't want to sound alarmist... but, you are way behind in protecting your interests and the interests of your children... Your wife is practicing "theocratic warfare".. and it's obvious she has the society already behind her... she's already following instructions.. .and you... are out in left field still... have no doubt... you need to protect yourself and your children, or you are going to lose, big time.... talk to a lawyer as soon as possible... this is way past where you think it is...beleive me... I've seen this sooo many times...
***I stayed as calm as I could for the kids, I didn't even raise my voice even though my wife was screaming at me. ***
Record every detail of this incident and others you can remember clearly... Detail abuse at the hands of the elders, and any interference they have had with you, your wife and your children... Concentrate on threats to your family stability, your marriage and you as an individual.
***But I stuck to my guns and said that I would not let her force the children to go to a place they hated day after day week after week.***
Make sure child protective services is aware of that... the children will confirm this for you...
***So she grabbed the girls, who were sobbing, and left in the car. Charlotte didn't even have any shoes on... ***
***She has gone over the deep end here.. she has lost the ability to provide for the basic needs of her children... child protective services needs to know this...***
Please don't delay in helping yourself here... too many people have left it too long, thinking there's no way their spouse would ever betray them that way and they lost big time... you don't have to lose... do something and do it fast... I hope it all works out for you and your kids...but it won't if you don't do something now...
Just my two...
edited because I didn't read all the posts first...