You said:
: Somehow I find these comments rather contradictory. You say you can smash any argument that lacks any merit and then further down you say you can’t prove what you say because of your own experiences.
There is no contradiction whatsoever. Making an an argument which is not logically sound CAN be smashed, even if the attacker cannot prove the assertions to be true or false. In any logical argument, the conclusion MUST necessarily follow from the premises. If it does, the argument is logical. If it doesn't then the argument is not logical. An argument which meets the test of logic is still formally considered to be a logical argument, even if all of the assertions are bogus, and as a matter of fact, even if the conclusion is bogus. This is why good scientists use logical to make new discoveries. Once a hypothesis can be proved to be logical, THEN the assertions and conclusion are tested for accuracy.
"Only people with nine noses are true human beings."
"Women have only five noses."
"Therefore, women are not true human beings."
That is a logical argument! It's an unsound and bogus, but it is considered logical.
In my case, I only presented my opinion that I thought good was more prevelant in the world than bad. I really didn't make any logical arguments, and in fact pretty much agreed with others who've concluded as I have that my question could never be resolved to 100% satisfaction.
You're mixing apples and oranges, azaria.
For those who are chiding me for not responding to your comments. I apologize. I don't have as much free time on my hands as I've had in the past. I'll try to do the best I can with my responses, though.