I think this is a question worth considering - just how extreme will Witnesses become?
First, the hierarchy: There are numerous accounts stretching back for years of GB members skipping meetings,
ignoring field service and treating "vital" doctrine in a cavalier fashion. Br. Jackson ( GB- Legal-deceased) supposedly
made an off hand remark as if chronology was just a numbers game. Other GB members considered dumping
1914 as a means of saving their "this generation" false prophecy.
Here's a personal experience. Many years ago, I asked a leading member of the anointed in Bethel how
we could assure people that they would be provided for materially when some Witnesses may have starved to death
in WW2. His answer? "David was a rich man who didn't observe the poor starving" ( 'never have I seen the righteous forsaken
or his offspring looking for bread'). WHY DIDN'T I 'WAKE UP' THEN?!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take this doctrinal malleability and add the operational needs of covering up scandals, misleading the public (and the friends)
and THEN throw in the INCREASINGLY OBVIOUS fact that NOT ONE SINGLE belief unique to Jehovah's Witnesses has any
basis in hard fact - and what happens?
Maybe just more of the same - Watchtowers that talk about nothing, meetings that go nowhere, cynical manipulations
behind the scenes, disguised simony ( wanna become an elder? spending some cash on the C.O. helps!) and quiet rot
And the followers?
True Believers just go nuts trying to limit their already narrow view of the world to exclude all contrary evidence.
provided by technology and world events.
Most Witnesses strive to live a double life - that may include "unrated movies", hidden drug abuse, secret alcoholism,
faking hours in field service, and paying lip service to everything else.
When does pretense become too exhausting to continue? Hard to say, some folks do it for a lifetime!
It will be interesting - and often sad - to watch.