How Extreme Will Witnesses Become?

by metatron 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH
    great substitutes when the Kotex pads ran out at home.

    Proof positive that Farkel is, indeed, an asshole. He has obviously never worn a Kotex, even for an hour or so, because now he is recommending that we use the ASleep! and Witchpower! as Kotex substitutes.

    As if the Kotex pads aren't bad enough.

    Great thread, and Shamus, you made me snort I laughed so hard.


    Tampax Class

  • Elsewhere

    It is entirely up to you if you want to become a JW, we cannot force you to do anything against your will. However, Sister Modest will have to shoot you if you don't join us.
  • Reborn2002

    LOL @ Elsewhere!

    On a more serious note however, his post and others like it have merit.

    As others have already pointed out, it would only take a minor shift in doctrine for the Witnesses as a whole to advocate views even more extreme than those they already possess.

    I mean really, the Jehovah's Witnesses already believe that all non-believers, unless they convert to Watchtower's version of Christianity, will be destroyed by their loving God. All it would take is one magazine article with a blessing of "New Light" instructing them that they have been chosen to participate in God's work of removing the evil worldly people and apostates, and you have another case of extremist Islamic jihad on your hands with murdererous zealots killing those who choose to not believe the same religious viewpoint.

    A truly frightening prospect isn't it? They already needlessly kill innocent people by continuing to adhere to an ever-changing blood doctrine. They already willingly protect child molestors if it means safeguarding the image of the book-publishing corporation. What is a little extra blood on their hands to eradicate vocal opposers?

  • bluesapphire

    Yes but what the hell would the leaders of the religion gain by doing this?

    I guess they could gain a bullet in the head like Jim Jones.


  • cruzanheart

    Power. It's all about power -- money is incidental in this case. Jim Jones showed the power he had over a group of people. I think the workings of the WTBTS at any given time reflect the belief systems of its current leader(s). When Knorr was President, the focus shifted more to expanding the preaching work around the world because that was his big thing. Now that there's committees instead of one Almighty Head (unless you want to count Ted Jaracz), it would probably be harder to get one crackpot to send everybody over the edge with New Light, but it's possible that one charismatic person could influence everyone else.

    The last year or two that I was attending meetings I was VERY uncomfortable with what I was hearing, and thought of the Kool-Aid scenario more than once. It was a relief to leave that.

    I think the more likely scenario is that they will just degenerate into another weird fundie religion, with a few die-hard followers who will make a big deal out of skirts below the knee and keeping their wives in subjection. It will never be a ground-breaking movement again. They will never be "special" or "different," just weird.


  • Ravyn

    thing is- the leaders are all old men. it is not out of the question for an old man, perhaps someone who is dying of cancer or alzheimers to 'sacrifice' their last painful months in a scenario like that. Old men have little left to lose---it is not a question of gain---they already lived their 'gain'. To lose face at the end of your life is a daunting prospect and the longer this world goes on proving them wrong the more chance we have to see something extreme like this happening.


  • Spudinator

    All this at best only proves is that there is a lunatic fringe within a fairly marginal group. Is there any evidence that any of the GB "heavies," DO's and/or CO's share any of the extreme views discussed in this thread?

  • metatron

    The leadership is well guided by lawyers who veto anything too foolish.

    However, the rank and file and local elders are another story....


  • frenchbabyface

    sorry just get in there (didn't take the time to read may have been already said) will come back

    to me (short) : they will go as far as possibible (in the BRAIN-WASHING - to maintain FEAR - SLAVERY)

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    VERY, Metatron....the sister that was sent to spy on us revealed that from her conversation with (Brothel name dropped in here) from Brothel, they were determined to become even stricter....and they HAVE! That was back in the early '90's....

    Frannie B

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